Finders Keepers

Read Finders Keepers for Free Online

Book: Read Finders Keepers for Free Online
Authors: Linnea Sinclair
people if I were otherwise.”
    “Oh, they’d love a live ’Sko,” she commented absently, then: “Elliot. Two
s, one
Captain Trilby Elliot.”
    “And your ship?”
    She let her gaze wander around the meager bridge as if in mock inspection. “Umm. You first.”
    “Yeah, Rhis. You. What ship were you assigned to, before you decided to take a joyride in a Tark?”
    His mind worked quickly, knowing delay would be interpreted as prevarication. “The
. You know of her?”
    “Hell, everyone in civilized space knows the Zafharin’s prized huntership. Tivahr’s the captain, isn’t he?”
    “As far as I know, he still is. Or was, three weeks ago, when I . . . when my team and I ran into . . . problems near Szedcafar.”
    He saw her eyebrows raise and immediately regretted the admission. Szed was a ’Sko world that housed a large military base. It was not a place the Zafharin were known to frequent, uninvited. He thought quickly. “We were part of a war-games exercise. I was the designated target, in a Tark we captured a few years ago.” He kept talking, wanting to sound cooperative. “Somehow we crossed the border, became disoriented. I played decoy so they could get back.”
    “Dangerous game.”
    He shrugged. “It’s part of, what is your expression, my job description?”
    Another quizzical raising of eyebrows. But he expected her reaction, wanted it. As well as her next question, which would help solidify his assumed identity.
    “And your job is?” she asked.
    “Lieutenant. B-Squadron.”
    “Lieutenant. But—”
    Rhis held up one hand. “My turn, I believe. Tell me about your ship.”
    She hesitated. “Fair enough. She’s the
Careless Venture
. Independent starfreighter, registration out of Port Rumor, currently.”
    “You’re an Indy?”
    “When I pay my dues.”
    He nodded, closed his eyes briefly. He knew the thin line many small-freighter operators walked, both financially and legally. “How long have you had her?”
    “Five years, give or take a few months.”
    “You don’t see many of these around anymore.”
    “You mean how do I keep this rust bucket in the space lanes?” She sighed tiredly. “With spit and a prayer, that’s how. And to answer the rest of your questions, yes, I told you the truth about there being no other crew. And yes, a DZ-Nine isn’t a usual freighter ’droid. But he was part of the bargain when I got the ship and, as with you, I didn’t have the heart to leave him to the scrap heap.
    “And yes, when I’m allowed to finish the repairs on my communications system, I’m headed for Port Rumor, where I have a one-up to Bagrond waiting for me. You’re welcome to come along. Or you’re welcome to stay here with the remains of your prize ’Sko fighter and play tiddlywinks with the bloodbats. Frankly, I don’t give a mizzet’s ass what you choose to do.”
    He started to reply, but she raised her hand, stilling his words.
    “As for right now,” she said, standing, “I’m going back down to my sick bay and releasing Dezi.” She slung the rifle strap over her shoulder. “And then I’m going to pour myself the biggest glass of iced gin I can find. Because I have a splitter going and my eyes are refusing to focus. And I haven’t even had breakfast yet. So if you’ll excuse me . . .”
    He stopped her progress at the hatchway with a hand on her arm.
    “Elliot—” His voice sounded harsher than he wanted it to be. He didn’t even know why he’d stopped her, only that he’d reached for her before he was aware of doing so.
    She glared up at him. “Look, if you’re going to try to kill me again, would you please just be done with it? Because if you’re not, you’re keeping me from a much-needed drink.”
    “Go pour yourself a drink. I’ll release the ’droid.”
    She thought over his offer for a moment, then shrugged.
    “Be nice to him,” she said as he followed her into the corridor. “He’s terrified of you.”

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