Fatal Desire

Read Fatal Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Fatal Desire for Free Online
Authors: Valerie Twombly
Tags: paranormal erotic romance, shapeshifter
dark purple quilt covered the bed. He’d also had the bathroom enlarged and decorated in gold and green, her favorite colors. It wasn’t anything like her home, but it was the best he could do. He carefully placed her on the bed.
    “Is the spell in place?”
    “Yes, everything has been attended to, my love,” Oroumea said.
    “Excellent.” He had woven an extra spell on the cell that would help keep her drained of power in case the dragon’s tear failed. There was also a cloaking incantation to keep her hidden. If Zarek discovered her location, none of them would survive.
    He closed the door behind him and stood on the outside. “Now we wait for her to awaken.”
    The ghoul slipped in beside him. “What about Lowan?”
    “We wait for him as well. I have no means of reaching him myself.” He turned and walked away, needing a stiff drink.
    * * * *
    Caleb left the warriors with a plan of attack in hand. He also had the word of Marcus that he and his mate Cassie would return shortly. He was going to free Lileta. With the impending war, it wasn’t safe for her to be near him. She needed her strength and to be home with her family. His only debate now was did he tell her they were mates? Perhaps she already realized it herself.
    He stepped through the back door into the kitchen. The room was dark so he climbed the stairs toward her quarters; with each step, his weight seemed heavier, and the dragon fought for control.
    They both wanted her to stay.
    At her door, he stood and listened. Everything was quiet, but he sensed her awake. He knocked. “Lileta, I must speak with you.”
    He sighed. She was going to be stubborn. “I will break the door down unless you invite me in.”
    “Idiot, it’s unlocked,” she yelled back.
    He scrubbed his face. Shit, he’d never thought to check. Grasping the knob, he pushed the door open and crossed the threshold. After a quick scan of the room, he spotted her by the window, staring into the darkness. He strode in and took a seat in the chair next to her. Honeysuckle. He leaned in closer, sniffed. How had he missed it before?
    “I know,” her voice hushed.
    He gazed at her, the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. “You know what?”
    She turned to look at him, her golden eyes full of pain. “I’m your mate.”
    His shoulders sagged. Was it the realization she belonged to him that caused the agonized expression? “Yes.”
    “What are you planning to do?” She folded her hands in her lap, gold eyes pinned on him.
    “I’m going to set you free.”
    Her jaw dropped. “When?”
    He reached for a lock of raven hair and massaged it through his fingers. The silkiness was heaven to touch. He wondered if the rest of her would feel so soft. “Marcus and his mate Cassie will be here soon. They will take you home with them until your strength returns or they find your brother.”
    Her eyes widened. “You’ve been in touch with the guardians?”
    “Yes. You were right about Odage, and he must pay,” he growled.
    “He will kill you for becoming a traitor.”
    He closed his eyes and let her scent wash over him. I’m already dying inside because I can’t have you . Her emotions filled him. She hated him for what he was, but her body cried out for his. It would be torture for both of them to be near each other much longer.
    He felt the disturbance. “They are here.”
    Marcus and Cassie flashed into the room. Lileta jumped from the chair, ran to Cassie and embraced her.
    “I’m so glad to see you’re all right.” She touched Cassie’s swollen belly. “And I see the babe is doing well.”
    “Yes, she’s a very active child.” Cassie peered at Marcus. “We’re both anxious for her arrival.”
    Caleb stood but kept his distance. It would be unwise to move too close to the pregnant female. Marcus still didn’t trust him completely, not that he blamed him. “Lileta, come here, and I will remove your bands.”
    She walked toward him, her wrists held out in

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