False Bottom

Read False Bottom for Free Online

Book: Read False Bottom for Free Online
Authors: Hazel Edwards
Tags: Children's Fiction - Mystery
call light was on.’ said Brett.
    â€˜Sorry. It was a mistake.’ Amy had tried all the buttons. The phones were better than a Walkman.
    Brett checked the seat belts. ‘Even when we’ve taken off, keep your belt on. I’ll be back with something special for you.’
    Take- off! Amy’s favourite time. She loved the feeling in her tummy when the plane left the ground. The plane engines were throbbing. Door hatches were closed. The TV safety monitor slid down and the safety video started. Aunty Viv would freak out now.
    â€˜She’d just love this,’ muttered Christopher, and Amy knew who he meant.
    Aunty Viv expected plane disasters.
    â€˜Oxygen mask above your head,’ said the square TV face.
    Amy looked up. That mystery box was in the locker above her head, too. As the Brett-look-alike showed them how to work the safety gear, Amy shivered with excitement.
    The plane noise grew louder, it was moving. Takeoff! Amy’s ears went funny. She looked sideways at Mr Smith. He was determinedly reading a magazine and chewing something.
    Takeoff! The plane went up. Then the plane levelled out. Christopher winked at her and pointed behind to The Mouth but she couldn’t twist and see because of her seat belt.
    â€˜Please observe the Fasten Safety Belts sign,’ said the Captain’s voice.
    She looked across at Mr Smith. Amy squinted sideways. In big letters were the words DRUG BUYING. That was a clue. Mr Smith WAS interested in drugs. Something white and powdery was in the box. What was it? How could she find out?
    Brett handed out the flight packs.
    â€˜Showbags! Thanks,’ said Christopher. ‘Any pencils?’
    â€˜Here, have mine.’ Amy pulled out a packet. ‘Swap you for a book, if you’ve got one.’
    Amy unclipped her seat belt and stood up.
    She had already skimmed the In Flight magazine.. She’d read about the Beagle Brigade and about a Poo-seum. This was a poo museum in some African country. It was for tourists. There were photographs of animals with trays containing the animal’s paw or hoof print under them. There was also a sample of its droppings.
    She showed Christopher the photos.
    â€˜Poo!’ said Christopher and held his nose.
    â€˜Droppings are changed every few months,’ Amy added quickly.
    â€˜Going to the toilet already?’ Christopher started sketching a poo museum.
    â€˜Looking for something more to read, too.’
    Slowly Amy walked down the aisle, looking at the passengers. Some were chatting. Some were reading. Rainbow Wig was sitting next to a window, writing squiggles on lined paper.
    The thin woman with the floppy hat was sitting stiffly. She looked very uncomfortable. On the aisle seat, near the toilets, was an ordinary- looking woman, who bent over to pick something up as Amy passed.
    There were several toilets on board. Before they reached Singapore, Amy wanted to try them all.
    Luckily the first one she tried was empty. Fitting past the funny door was a challenge. A fat lady might have problems. Or someone in a wheelchair. That reminded Amy. Where had Mrs Smart, the Lizard Lady, gone? Perhaps she could walk without the chair?
    Amy slid shut the bolt on the toilet door. That turned on the light. She stared at herself in the mirror. What if someone got stuck in here? How would the attendants get them out? Even worse, what if someone died in here?
    Amy turned around slowly. She squirted free hand lotion on both hands. Then she squirted perfume behind her ears. Just for fun, she squirted perfume near her sneakers. Sometimes Christopher called her Smelly Feet. Lastly she combed her hair with the free little comb which you could keep.
    In the aisle, she passed a pile of magazines for passengers’ use. The Mouth’s face was on the cover of one of them. It was the same magazine Wilhelmina had probably eaten by now. The Mouth was holding his dog Bozo.
    Ah! That was a clue!
    An attendant started to

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