Falling for Finn

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Book: Read Falling for Finn for Free Online
Authors: Jackie Ashenden
her eyes even more intense, making them look greener than grass. The champagne they’d been drinking had lowered his inhibitions to the point of nothingness, and he just hadn’t been able to help himself.
    The softness of her mouth, the taste of champagne. And then the shock on her face.
    “God, Finn. Do you kiss every woman like that? No wonder it never lasts longer than a night!”
    Then she’d laughed, and it was like he was back in his old classroom at school, forced to read aloud in front of the class, trying to make sense of the words that jumbled themselves up on the page. Trying and failing, the rest of the class laughing as he stumbled his way through it.
    Stupid Finn Shaw who couldn’t read.
    He’d never thought Anna would make him feel the same way, but she had. He’d hidden his hurt though, the same way as he’d done in front of his class all those years ago. He’d made a joke out of it and laughed. Laughed right along with her.
    “I remember.”
    The blush on Anna’s cheeks glowed. “Well, right. And we put that behind us, didn’t we?”
    It wasn’t usually his duty to point out the obvious to her. “That was one kiss, Anna. Sex would be a little more difficult, don’t you think?”
    Her gaze fell to the drink in her hands, her hair falling forward, hiding her expression. “God,” she muttered. “I thought men were good at compartmentalizing this kind of crap.”
    Yeah, they were supposed to be. But he’d never been any good at it. Not when it came to her.
    The restless anger inside him coiled a little tighter, frustration climbing higher. He paced away from the couch again, going back over to the window. Needing to move. Burn some of it off. Get his mind clear.
    I want something good to tell me what good feels like…
    The hard sound of her voice as she’d spoken the facts of her assault echoed through him, each word like an arrow in his gut.
    He wanted to hit something. Or someone.
    “Jesus, Finn, can you sit down? You’re making me dizzy with all that pacing around.”
    He turned. She had her head propped on the heel of one hand, fingers speared   through her brown hair, elbow on her knee. Like she was tired. Or had a headache.
    “Maybe I should go,” she went on, her voice slightly muffled. “I need to get home anyway.”
    “How do you know it would be good?”
    Anna lifted her head. “What?”
    “You said you wanted something good to remember. What makes you think sex would be good with me?”
    Faint color on her cheeks. “Oh, well…I’ve never heard any complaints.”
    No, because he made sure there weren’t any. He’d always been good at physical stuff, and that included sex. “I didn’t know you made a habit of interviewing my lovers, Anna.”
    She rolled her eyes. “I don’t, believe me.” A small pause. “Lily talked.”
    Lily? A weird hot feeling went through him. “She told you?”
    “About that secret—” she raised her hands to do air quotes around the word, “—affair you guys were having? Yes. She did.”
    Finn thrust his hands in his pockets. Strange, because he shouldn’t feel embarrassed about it. Right? “Why?”
    Anna shot him an impatient look. “Because I asked her. Honestly, Finn. Did you really think I didn’t know?”
    He’d suspected. “Lily thought you’d be jealous.” It came out defensive, which pissed him off.
    A soft, mirthless laugh escaped her. “Jealous? Why on earth would I be jealous?”
    His jaw tightened as the hot feeling burned deeper. “I don’t know. It wasn’t my idea to make it a big secret.”
    Defensive again, Shaw?
    Anna shook her head. “Well, it was sweet of you both to consider my feelings, but really, you didn’t need to bother.” She leaned down and put the drink back on the floor. “I really should go. I need to get home before it gets dark.”
    Wait, she was going? Now?
    He frowned. “So that’s it?”
    Anna pushed herself off the couch. “What do you mean, that’s it?” She bent to retrieve

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