End Online: Volume 1
Maybe not in such a cold location but I
don’t ever want to leave this game!
    There was an inventory
menu as well, I notice I’m starting with no money
and no skills though so hopefully there will be some beginner quests that will
help me gain those.
    The detail of this room is
incredible too! If I inspect the walls real close I can tell its fake, but
otherwise I would never be able to tell. That’s it, time to leave this place. I
ran, not walked, but ran towards the doors of the church, forcing them open.
They didn’t open all the way, but enough for me to comfortably walk through.
    Light invaded my eyes and
it took a moment to adjust to the brightness. What unravelled before me was
absolutely breathtaking. A city spanning about 2km in every direction was
around me. An incredible stone keep in the centre overlooking everything, it is
all covered by snow and voices were ringing out from unknown places.
    A slight breeze rolls past
me and I don’t think I will ever leave this place.
    But damn it’s so cold!

    Chapter 2 – The Irritation of Aggravation
    I had only taken a few
steps out of the church when an old man appeared. He was a little shorter
than me, long white hair, and a staff decorated by a blue crystal the size
of my hand at the top.
    I tried to alter my
direction to walk around him, but he seemed to move at the same
time and just kept getting in my way, preventing me from moving
    This guy apparently wasn’t
going anywhere before talking to me.
    “What do you want?” there
wasn’t much else to do except find out his intentions.
    “Hello young adventurer, I
see you have just entered this world. May I ask what your name is?” Of
course, he’s an NPC. I haven’t even decided on a name for my character before
now, I wonder what I should call myself.
    “My name is Silver,” Going
on some wordplay on my surname, Silvester , it seemed
like an appropriate, “It’s a pleasure to meet-“
    “No, sorry, but that isn’t
your name. Please tell me your name,” I get it now. This old man is the guide,
an NPC for starting characters to choose their name, and perhaps other things
as well. I assume he speaks this line when the name you decide on has already
been picked by someone else.
    “Sorry, my mistake, my
name is Hosen actua -“
    “Sorry, but that also is
not your name. Please tell me your name.” This guy, did he just cut me off two
times in a row, he’s seriously starting to piss me off.
    I tried a few more time to
give him a name I was happy with, but once more he cut me off with the same
emotionless voice.
    Leaning slightly forward
and down to place myself in his face, I speak in a completely dead
off, you nasty old geezer.”
    A stunned look overcame
the guides face, followed by what I thought was one of extreme irritation.
It was hard to say considering his staff came down on my head at the sane
and knocked me out.
    I woke up at the bottom of
a large set of stairs with a splitting headache. In front of me was a little
street lined with what appeared to be residential houses, quickly leading into
an incredible courtyard. 
    A large round pond
sprouting a fountain seven meters high sat in the middle, the temperature
having frozen it solid, crystallized in motion. Surrounding the courtyard are
various shops, everything an adventurer could need from potions to weapons and
    Patches of snow covered
most of the cobblestone roads, people walking around in various thick coats and
armours, clearly the central area for players both buying and
selling supplies.
    Behind me the staircase
led up a snowy hill to a church on a platform at the very top, the same
church I was just at not too long ago.
    ‘Did he throw me down
the stairs??’
    Storming back up the
stairs it only takes a minute to get up to the top, but when I get there the
old man is nowhere to be seen. I search around for a bit but he had

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