Elizabeth Meyette

Read Elizabeth Meyette for Free Online

Book: Read Elizabeth Meyette for Free Online
Authors: Loves Spirit

    Emily could barely contain herself as they rode toward the cabin. Andrew kept up a continual monologue of his experiences at William and Mary College in an attempt to distract her, but Emily’s focus was unyielding. He smiled indulgently as he glanced at his sister. Her face glowed with anticipation, and her eyes, bright with happiness, mirrored the deep blue ribbons on her bonnet. She glanced back at him and laughed realizing that she had not been attending to his stories.
    “Andrew, forgive me for my inattention, but I have waited so long to see Jonathon again. My mind is full only of him right now,” she apologized.
    “No need to apologize, Em, for I know how you love him. I hope that someday I will be blessed with a wife who loves me so,” he said gently. She smiled at him gratefully.
    The ride seemed interminable for Emily, though Andrew urged the horse along at its full pace. Finally, when the sun, hidden by the overcast clouds, reached its peak in the sky, they arrived at the cabin. Emily could hardly bear to wait for Andrew to alight and circle the carriage to help her down. She raced to the door and flung it open, then flew to the bed and into Jonathon’s arms.
    His arms encircled her, and he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her eyes, and finally his mouth found hers and he kissed her long and full.
    Laughing and crying simultaneously, Emily murmured, “Jonathon, oh Jonathon, my love.” Tears streamed down her face as she traced her fingers along his jawline, across his lips and eyebrows. They embraced again unable to remain apart.
    Eyes averted and blushing with embarrassment at the passion he was witnessing, Andrew finally spoke.
    “I shall take some of Dora’s delicious feast and be on my way,” he said.
    Emily went over to her brother and hugged him.
    “Thank you, Andrew,” she said through tears of joy. “Thank you.”
    Andrew kissed her forehead and left the cabin.
    Emily turned back to her husband and returned to the bed. He was sitting propped on the pillows, but still appeared weak. Studying him, she saw that the bruises on his face, though still shades of yellow and purple, were fading. His eyes were clearer and his face not as drawn. He was still gaunt, and the muscles in his shoulders and chest had weakened considerably, but his vitality was returning and the glint of humor sparked in his eyes.
    “Will you peruse me all day and deny me your comforting embrace?” he asked.
    “I want to be sure I am not going to add to your discomfort,” Emily teased, just out of arm’s reach.
    “Have mercy, woman, I am in need of your ministrations!” he laughed, and she was in his arms.
    Jonathon kissed her, deep and full, and then drew his head back to look at her. Her eyes held his in unspoken joy, awareness that they might never have been reunited flooding her mind. Slowly, Jonathon lowered his face to hers, his lips moving against hers, tasting, exploring. Emily moved against him, enkindling a fiery passion both had been denied. Their bodies strained toward each other, their lips pressed, hands searching. Emily finally pulled away as Jonathon protested. Slipping out of bed, Emily stood before him, eyes smoldering. Smiling seductively she reached along the side of her gown and began to loosen the stays that accommodated her growing abdomen. She allowed the dress to slip forward revealing the swell of her breasts, round and full with her pregnancy. As the dress slipped to the floor, she teased, bending forward to free herself from it.
    “You torture me more severely than the British,” he groaned.
    “But there is a reward with this torture, my love,” Emily whispered.
    Pulling the shift off of her shoulders, she let it slip to her waist, her breasts now unbound, bobbing with her movements. She slid it to the floor, bending again to step out of it. Slowly she walked to the bed and stood before him; Jonathon reached up and cupped her breasts, full and ripe. She leaned forward so he could kiss

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