Educating the Alien: Raedyn (The Azurite Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Educating the Alien: Raedyn (The Azurite Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Sara Hotchkiss
the gap in the doorway before pushing the rest of the way through. Raedyn was in pain. His hands were fisted in the sheets, while rivulets of sweat trailed down his face and chest. She was momentarily surprised to find a layer of stubble on his head, cheeks, jaw and trailing down his neck. She thought they were hairless.
    “Raedyn?” she whispered. “Are you okay?”
    As she approached, she felt the heat his body produced radiating off him in waves. He was burning up. He might have been in pain, but he was also feverish. She ran out of the room to retrieve a glass of water and a cool cloth. Lexi was ignorant of Azurite medicine, but assumed water and cool would be helpful. She would need to consult with a doctor soon on his behalf.
    Lexi sat cautiously on the edge of the bed beside Raedyn, his face grimaced in evident pain. She continued her evaluation of his prone form and found herself drawn to the massive erection raising the sheet between his legs.
    Holy mother of pearl.
    She had no doubt now, that man did not wear a codpiece. She felt her face flush and another groan from Raedyn reminded her of why she was there.
    She held the glass of cool liquid to his mouth and urged him to sip and he was able to draw in some of the fluid. She then pressed the cool towel to his forehead. He really was quite attractive in an Azurite way. The stubble on his face and head gave him a much more human look and Lexi longed to scratch her fingers along the short hair. Would it be soft? Or coarse? Unable to resist, she cupped his cheek with her hand and stroked her thumb in soothing movements.
    Raedyn was dreaming. That or he was dead and in Hayir’kheed’alk, heaven. Sweet, refreshing liquid pooled in his mouth, dribbling down, soothing his scratchy throat and dry mouth. This is surely what heaven would feel like. Ensconced in the fragrance of glan’ki’tahh’hka flowers he smiled, breathing in the fresh scent, reminding him of Lexi.
    A cool cloth pressed to his burning skin and a shudder of relief coursed through him. He felt himself melt further into the bed, hoping the reprieve from fever would last. Bliss, the cool cloth was his oasis in the desert. He wanted to immerse his entire body in the sensation. He thought he heard mumbled words of consolation, but he couldn’t decipher their meaning, as if spoken in another language.
    His cock hardened at the words meant to ease his pain. He couldn’t remember a time he had felt so cared for. The sensations were overwhelming and when a chilled hand touched his fevered cheek, raking across the stubble he no doubt had grown in the two days he remained in bed, his body rebelled. With a moan, Raedyn spilled his seed, a hot spurt of fluid coating his lower belly and the sheet atop him.
    The hand stilled, but remained on his face. He didn’t have any time to be embarrassed as the wave of darkness crashed over him, pulling him into the depths of oblivion once more.
    Lexi stilled, eyes wide and round. That wasn’t? He couldn’t have? Her mind raced as she watched the sheet lower between his legs and the liquid spot spread across it. He did. It would appear the iceman enjoyed touch after all. Lexi was in a bind. Raedyn needed medical attention, but there were heavy fines for spermal emissions without collection. There was no doubt Raedyn was in violation and she was unsure if there were exceptions in certain cases. She didn’t want him to be penalized for something that had happened when his body was out of his control.
    Jumping to action, she found a clean sheet in his bathroom and a fresh towel. She braced herself, removing his soiled linen before toweling off the evidence of his ejaculation. It’s just a body, she reminded herself as the towel brushed his most intimate parts. His anatomy was very similar to a human male. Raedyn had a large penis, one many human women would covet and Earth men envy. That was where the similarities ended though, as far as visual inspection went,

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