Dreams and Desires

Read Dreams and Desires for Free Online

Book: Read Dreams and Desires for Free Online
Authors: Paul Blades
them. Of the three, sexual desire was the strongest and easiest to channel. He could feel his own now as he experienced the female's physical presence so close to his, the beauty and voluptuousness his human mind perceived, the memory of their coupling. These beings had an expanded ability to experience physical pleasure; his new body yearned for it again. That was good. It would greatly facilitate his task of developing his powers.
    The woman's long, pinioned, rust colored hair lay between them. He felt the silkiness of its surface on his skin. Although he knew he risked awakening the woman, he could not resist the temptation to run his hand over her naked shoulder, down her curvaceous torso and over her prominent hip. Her flesh was smooth, warm and satisfying to his hand. His male, human mind took great pleasure in the suppleness of the skin. He leaned his head over and took in a deep whiff of the woman's scent, detecting elements which made his loins stir. He felt the bittersweet pleasure of desire, the exquisiteness of the compulsion for union.
    The day had just dawned and a faint glow of sunlight was emanating from the closed drapes. Outside the open bedroom door, the man could see the dissipation of the darkness from the light through the unobscured windows in the other rooms. He needed to explore. Safety was one issue. He needed to make sure his possession of his familiar was not threatened or interfered with by any other beings. And the other was his natural inquisitiveness, his eagerness to experience more of this new world.
    He didn't want to arouse the sleeping female. He could anticipate her unhappiness at her seduction and his forcing of his will upon her. She would be greatly disconcerted and confused about the melding of her dreams and reality. Until he was able to bring her under more close control, he would have to be careful she did not try to escape her fate or try to harm him.
    The man placed his right hand on the side of the sleeping scientist's head and concentrated his mind. Since she was already asleep, it was not difficult to nudge the part of her brain that controlled her unconsciousness and deepen her slumber. The woman moaned a meek protest as she slipped deeper into sleep. Her face wore a worried frown and then went back to rest. He would not have long until she struggled to wakefulness. He would return before she did.
    Slipping quietly from the bed, the naked man stepped across the bedroom and entered the hallway. His gait was unsteady, like someone learning to walk on high heels. The body felt wonderful. He flexed his large, strong hands as he walked, reveling in their usefulness as tools and he thrilled at the sensation of propelling himself on his feet. It was a clever way to manage the need to cross short distances, but he saw immediately the drawbacks as tools of locomotion for any long time. Walking seemed ponderously slow and he was anxious to try out one of the concepts he had drawn from the woman's mind, that of running, or to run. But that could wait until he grew more adept at controlling his body's functions and his strength had grown.
    From his vantage point outside the bedroom, the man could see into both the living room and the kitchen. In the living room, he saw fabricated forms which he recognized as chairs, a sofa. There were two electronic devices he gathered were for the purposes of accessing information. He had discovered a concept the woman's mind seemed to classify as ‘entertainment', but he would need to study that principle more before he could understand it.
    In the kitchen, he saw a table, some chairs, and what looked like food preparation and storage units. He would need food soon. There was a bowl with colorful, round objects in it on the table. He picked up one that was a dullish red, but shiny and appealing. He stood for a moment and searched the information he had gathered from the woman's mind, not all of it processed yet, and he formed a recognition. This was an

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