Draw Me In

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Book: Read Draw Me In for Free Online
Authors: Regina Cole Regina Cole
ring flashing under the fluorescents. “Twelve-thirty, okay?”
    “I got this. Don’t worry.” I picked up my bag from the cubby beneath the counter and smiled at them. “See you guys tomorrow.”
    With a wave at both Neill and Tasha, I turned and headed out the glass door, an electronic beep signaling the door’s opening. When it swung shut behind me, a deep breath stretched my lungs, and I arched my back toward the sky as I headed for the bus stop. What a day. It had been fun, but Tasha had been right. I’d have to work at this.
    Quick footsteps behind me drew my glance, and I turned. Neill jogged up to me, his wavy hair moving softly with his steps. The dying rays of the sun made it shine, but I tried not to notice it. Just my boss. He’s just my boss.
    He stopped in front of me, crossing his arms over his middle. Dammit, why’d he have to do that? It was hard enough not to stare at his muscular forearms, exposed as they were by the short sleeves of his tee. But the beautiful art on his skin was almost impossible to ignore. There was an old-school swallow, a Sailor Jerry–style eagle, and an anchor on one arm, among other designs I hadn’t been able to identify yet. His left arm was tattooed in a more modern style, with swirls of color and bold lines. I wished I were brave enough to ask him to show me all his ink, but that was a bad idea. Especially when his face was so solemn.
    “Hey. Seriously, was it okay?”
    I hesitated to answer when I looked directly into his stormy blue eyes. They drew me in, pulled me toward him. “Yeah,” I croaked, and then coughed. “Sorry. Tasha was nice, and she has everything really organized, so it’s easy. I think I’ll be fine, as long as you and the other guys are patient with me.”
    Neill smiled, stepping a little closer. I caught a whiff of his scent, a light musky cologne. “I knew you could do it.” His voice was even deeper, if that was possible.
    The desire to step closer to him, to close that gap, was there and pretty strong. But my fear was stronger. No, I wasn’t going to do anything I’d regret later. Hot guy or not, he was my boss. And I needed this job—desperately. My whole future depended on it. “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
    He nodded, dropping his arms by his sides. “Tomorrow.”
    I waited for a moment, watching as he walked away. When he’d passed the cauldron full of flowers and disappeared into the shop, I turned and made my way to the bus stop, brain buzzing and heart light. The bus squeaked to a stop, I mounted the steps, and I was struck by a surprising thought—life didn’t suck.
    The ride back to campus wasn’t too long. Only about fifteen minutes, including the other intermittent stops. The low buzz of the passengers’ chatter mingled with the thrum of the engine, melding into a kind of white noise. With the patterned dark gray fabric of the bus seat cushioning my head, I looked up at the ceiling, thoughts wandering.
    Dr. Fields often worked late and was almost always there on the weekends. I traced a finger across the cool glass of the window, drawing a line through the tops of the trees as the buildings thinned out, giving way to the large oaks of the park. I was pretty lucky that my adviser was available so often. Some of my friends had to camp out for days to get an adviser’s attention. Hell, Walt didn’t even know who his adviser was . Since Dr. Fields had been so worried about finding a way for me to stay at Leesville, I should probably let him know that I’d found work.
    “Thanks.” I waved to the bus driver as I descended the steps at the stop. Laugher echoed from across the quad, people obviously gearing up for good times tonight. I smiled to myself. Maybe a little celebration wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
    My sandals slapped against the steps of Adams and echoed down the empty hallway. “Dr. Fields?” His door was open, and I poked my head inside. “You busy?”
    “Hailey,” he said warmly, rising from

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