
Read Dragonmark for Free Online

Book: Read Dragonmark for Free Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
scoffing sound of air rushing from between his teeth. Is that what you want?
    She swallowed hard at his question and the fear it wrought. While she knew he would expect it, she had to admit to her reluctance. Not that he was unappealing, but rather … “I’ve never been with a man, my lord.”
    Illarion froze as those unexpected words slapped him. He would have thought a woman with her zest for living would have tasted many. The fact that she hadn’t …
    He was dumbfounded.
    More than that, he was at a sudden loss. There was only one reason he could think for it.
    Are you not old enough?
    She laughed, then caught herself. “Sorry. I guess compared to someone who’s over ten thousand years old that’s a legitimate question. And aye, I’m more than old enough. Rather long in the tooth for most human women.”
    Then why—
    â€œPersonal choice. Have you seen the idiot men in my village?”
    â€œAs if that!” Virag shouted. “She’s a pain in the ass. Men tend to notice.”
    Edilyn cringed as her brother finally announced his presence in the most rude and annoying way possible.
    Illarion arched a brow. Should I ask?
    Sighing, she shook her head and lifted her bottle up for his gaze. “Nay. But since you have … Illarion, meet my brother, Virag.”
    Virag manifested from the bottle into a full-sized man. Blond and muscular, he stood eye to eye with Illarion. While most were intimidated by Virag’s intensity, Illarion merely folded his arms over his chest and postured bored tolerance.
    He swept a bemused stare over Virag’s body that said he was unimpressed. Kikimora. Rare to see a male of your kind in the world. You must be highly sought after.
    Now it was Virag’s turn to be caught off guard. “You know what I am?”
    Illarion nodded. Been around a long time. Seen many unsavory things .
    Virag laughed at the way he said unsavory and the small dig it carried. “I can imagine.”
    Well, as you are as capable of transporting your sister out as I am, then I shall leave you both to your futures. Good day .
    Edilyn passed a scowl to her brother. “Good day or good-bye?”
    They are the same, are they not?
    â€œNay. One is brief. The other quite permanent. Are you saying you bid me adieu?”
    You’re the one who said you’ve no wish to be mated to a dragon. Nor have you been with a man. I’ve only one use for a woman and it’s a very brief biological exchange. He glanced to Virag. And I’ve no use whatsoever for a male kikimora. So I see no reason for us to remain together. Better we part cordially than wait for ill feelings to kick in and the roasting to begin.
    More hurt than she should be, she forced herself to remain as callous about it as he was. “I see. Very well, then. Virag?”
    Her brother shook his head. “Nay. I won’t do it.”
    Illarion turned a harsh stare toward him. Pardon?
    â€œI concur,” she growled, wanting to kick him for not getting her out of here before she betrayed the pain that was so hard to swallow and not show.
    Virag stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest and took up a defiant stance. “You’ve no idea how they treat her at Penllyn. I won’t take her back there to their cruelty. Not after the spectacle you made in claiming her and snubbing the princess. They’d be merciless to her now. Much worse than before. She doesn’t deserve that. Better you should have let her die than save her life for such a fate.”
    When she started to protest, he held his hand up to silence her. “Don’t you dare argue with me, Eddie. There’s plenty of room in this hole for the three of us. I take up a thimble’s space. Your human’s life span is but a blink to his. He won’t even remember it in time. He can suffer you a few decades to live out your life here in peace while he mopes about in silence. He can

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