Double Coverage

Read Double Coverage for Free Online

Book: Read Double Coverage for Free Online
Authors: Mercy Celeste
still on Bullet. There was an accusation in them. “You told me you were traded, Bullet. Why did you lie?”
    “Traded, free agent, what does it matter. I hated being all the way up there in Denver. I wanted to come home, to be near my family and friends.” Something strange swept across Bullet’s eyes, his voice serious for the first time since he’d sat down. “Aren’t you happy we’re going to be neighbors again?”
    “Yeah, Bullet, I’m happy,” Trig said, though Kailey didn’t hear a bit of happiness in his voice. Something wasn’t right here, something she wasn’t sure she wanted to have anything to do with.
    “Oh come on, Trigger—you and Bullet back together after all these years. How can you not be thrilled?” Sarah Beth said. She must have seen Trig tense up as well.
    “Trig, Sarah Beth. I’m not Trigger anymore.” Trig sat down next to Kailey, his arm grazing hers. Electricity and longing shot along every nerve ending, and she decided she didn’t much care for the superficial conversation after all.
    “You’ll always be Trigger, Trig. You need to get over yourself.” Bullet looked from Trig to her; his eyes were almost predatory when he smiled at her, and she shivered. Now was definitely the time to leave.
    “I need to get over myself! Look who’s talking.” Trig bristled beside her. Yes, definitely time to go before things turned ugly.
    “Trig, Rob, ah, Heather, Bunny, Sarah Beth, everyone, thank you for letting me rest for awhile, but if y’all don’t mind I’m going to go inside. I’m not used to this much sun,” she said into the tense silence, standing and taking her drink with her. She escaped to the cool interior of the hotel with no idea what to do with herself for the next couple of hours, but damned if she wanted to pretend she knew what was going on with people she didn’t remember.
    “Where were you this morning?” Trig caught up with her, taking her arm before she managed to get too far inside the hotel. His hand was warm on her skin, and she trembled despite herself. “I looked all over for you.”
    “I’m sorry. I had an appointment in the city. I couldn’t stay.” Though she wished she had. She wanted more than just a few hours with Trig Morgan.
    “Oh.” He looked defeated for a moment, and somewhat flustered, much as he had been when he first approached her at the bar last night. Almost as if he were unsure of himself. Almost as if he were shy. “Hey, about all that out there. Don’t mind them. They’re just trying to one-up each other.”
    “It looks like your friend Bullet has the upper hand over everybody. Six million a year, that’s impressive. That should buy him a lot of friends.” She wandered over to the indoor pool, which was thankfully deserted. “I think I’m going to take a swim, Trig. Would you like to join me?”
    “I thought you’d never ask.” She could hear the hesitancy leave his voice. His face lit up with a smile that had her gasping for breath. She set her drink down on a table near the pool edge and reached for the knot that held her peach silk sarong. She untied it, feeling his eyes on her body. She wished that they weren’t in such a public place, because she really wanted to slip out of her suit while he watched.
    “Damn, Kai, you have a beautiful body.” He watched her stand there in a white one-piece suit that showed very little skin but left nothing to the imagination. Her hips were round, her waist small. What little cleavage that showed was tan and firm. Her nipples grew hard and sharp against the material while he watched.
    “Thank you, Trigger.” She smiled brightly just before she dove in, leaving him standing there hard and horny and stunned by the desire that nearly overwhelmed him when she was around. “Are you coming in?”
    “Right behind you.” He kicked off his flip-flops, dropped his T-shirt on the chair with her skirt, and dove in, surfacing right in front of her.
    “Hi.” She wrapped her

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