Divine and Dateless

Read Divine and Dateless for Free Online

Book: Read Divine and Dateless for Free Online
Authors: Tara West
elevator. I couldn’t see a damned (oops, darned) thing!
    “Are you coming or what?” Grim barked from somewhere behind the veil.
    “I would if I could see where I was going,” I snapped.
    His big arm reached out from behind the mist before I had a chance to swat him away. I gasped when he latched onto my hand. This guy had just dropped somebody in sludge. There was no telling what he planned on doing with me.
    And then there was that other problem. His warm fingers laced through mine sent a jolt of lust right down to the center of my secret sweet spot. Yes, that spot. You know, the “Oh, God! Oh, God! Yes, yes, yes!” spot?
    How was he able to do that with one touch? And, holy heck, wouldn’t he be amazing in the sack?
    He stepped next to me, so close we were only a breath apart. The haze didn’t seem so thick now, and I could make out his strong features. But the warmth he put off. Gah! This guy made me hotter than Hades.
    I cringed when he pulled my hand, expecting him to toss me over his shoulder like he had Stan. But he didn’t.
    “It’s okay, Ash,” he said in a tone that was shockingly borderline compassionate. “The fog will settle in a minute.”
    And so, like an idiot, I followed the guy. I had no idea how my feet were able to propel me forward, because it felt like I was walking on air. As the fog started to thin, I stole glimpses of a thick, muscular arm and wavy hair that curled around the base of a tanned neck in delicious, dark strands.
    The more I stared at all of his hard male parts, the more my lady parts turned to mush.
    Jesus! Oops, I mean Jeebus!
    I’d picked a bad time to get a major girl boner.
    What the hell is wrong with me? Wait a minute. I know what’s wrong. I need to get laid.
    I secretly hoped if Grim could enjoy happy hour on level thirteen, I was allowed to enjoy mind-blowing orgasms in Heaven. It was supposed to be paradise, right?
    Before I realized it, the fog had cleared and a lone figure emerged in the distance. I took a chance and looked down, and holy heck, I was walking on air!
    I stumbled and nearly fell face-first when I saw the blue sky below me. Luckily, Grim steadied me with a strong grip. My eyes bugged when a flock of birds flew underneath my feet.
    “There’s nothing to be nervous about,” Grim whispered as we approached a man clad in a hooded white robe.
    My throat had gone bone dry, or I would have answered him, so I squeezed his hand instead.
    A wave of clouds rolled in beneath me, once again shrouding my legs in mist, and I heaved a sigh of relief. Not that I thought walking through clouds was any safer, but at least I couldn’t see the drop in case God realized he’d made a mistake and tossed me out of Heaven.
    “Hey, Pete.” Grim waved at the figure.
    Pete? As in Saint Peter?
    Pete pushed back his hood revealing a middle-aged man with vibrant hazel eyes and a broad smile.
    “Con! So nice to see you again, old friend. How long has it been?” He stepped out from behind a clear podium.
    Grim, or Con, released me and shook Pete’s hand. “Nearly a year since I’ve delivered someone to The Top.”
    I flushed when both sets of eyes turned on me. That long since Grim had delivered someone to Heaven? He’d told me there were other Grims, but come on, I knew at least two dozen people who were more worthy of eternal salvation than me. Wasn’t it only last weekend that Tammy, Kelly, Sara, and I had been slurping tequila shots off of some college guy’s abs?
    Pete stepped back behind the podium and tapped on a clear screen in front of him.
    “Let me see who you’ve got here. Ashley MacLeod,” Pete said in a cheery voice as my name appeared backwards on the screen.
    I was shocked to see several pictures pop up, too, and most of them were of me at the retirement home. Geez. If this was all they had of me, no wonder I’d gotten into Heaven.
    But then my gaze caught an image that made my knees weaken. I was only twelve-years-old in that picture. I was as

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