Divergent Parody: Avirgent

Read Divergent Parody: Avirgent for Free Online

Book: Read Divergent Parody: Avirgent for Free Online
Authors: Maurice Hill, Michelle Hunt
doing this.”
     She punched the girl next to the blonde guy in the face, knocking her out cold on the floor, and blood dribbled out of her nose like ketchup. I hated ketchup.
    The blonde guy nodded and said, “Cool. You can knock a bitch out. I don't see how that will stop me from beating this guy up, but cool.” He let go of the brunette guy and the brunette guy fell back down to his seat, massaging his throat.
     The blonde guy held out a big meaty hand while his friends dragged the knocked out girl to the booth next to them. “My name's Limp Ussy. What's yours?”
    I saw Christine move back. “Eww. You nasty. What are you doing going around telling people that your name is...oh never-mind. I'm Christine, but I'm not shaking your hand. Just letting you know that I don't tolerate bullying and I will put a stop to you whenever.”
     Limp Ussy nodded and said, “Great, and I'll continue to be the generic YA bully who randomly becomes a good-guy for no other reason than the fact that the author wants me to seek redemption, even though I shouldn't after all the horrible shit I did. Happy?”
    “Yeah. Just stay out of my way. And his.”
    She nodded down to the brunette guy, looking up at them with eyes like a scared little kid. He looked so cute.
    Limp Ussy scoffed. “Heh. Yeah right.” He shoved Christine aside and his entire crew walked into the other train-car behind them.
    Christine sighed and looked down at the brunette kid. “What's your name tumbleweed?”
     “Oh, it's just this thing I have. So come on,” she sat down across from him, and waved me to come over. God, it was so far away and I didn't want to drag my legs. I wish I had the robot in my house that took us upstairs and downstairs and across halls. I know I didn't reference it earlier but trust me, there is a robot in my house.
     “Sorry, I don't want to get up. I'd rather stay here and yell.”
    She leered at me. “Girl, get your ass over here before I drag you!”
    She was like an angry black woman then, and I didn't want to piss off an angry black woman. My Dad did and he got his ass kicked by one carrying a cane in her hand.
    So I got my ass over there before she dragged me, and I sat next to her. At least I could see that cute brunette kid. I found myself flustered in front of him. He had sharp European facial features and cherry-pink lips. His teeth were bright white. He was so hot.
     “Are you  vain?” I asked him.
     He shook his head. “No mam, I hate looking in mirrors. Looking in mirrors is for girls and fairy-boys. My name's Al, and I'm part of Huffle-I mean, the Honest faction.”
     “Oh, that's hot. I love Honest boys.” That was a lie, but hopefully he wouldn't be able to tell so.
     He shook his head and put his hands on the table. “Excuse me mam, but something tells me you're lying. While you are indeed a decent  looking girl, you're also a liar.”
    I cocked my head and Christine smirked. “Well, he is from Honest. The guy's gonna be honest as Hell.”
    I slammed my hand on the table. “No, that's a lie. I am a good person. I'm not lying!”
    He nodded. “Nope, you are a liar. I call them like I see them. Much like how I can tell you're a racist ignoramus as well as materialistic. But that's okay, I can look past that because I have a taste for rail thin anorexics.”
    “I'm not anorexic!”
    Christine propped her head on one hand and said dully, “So you don't deny your racism?”
    “Uh-I-damn it, I'm not that either!”
    “But you have preconceived notions of other people. Whatever. I'll quit riding you, and focus on positive stuff.”
    I smiled. “Well finally. Have any of you guys seen America's Next Top Hooker? That's like my favorite series!”
     “Why does that not surprise me?” said Al. “After all, you do have constant dreams where your only goal in life is to trap rich men using your vagina.”
    Christine took her head back in laughter.
    I opened my mouth

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