
Read Diablo for Free Online

Book: Read Diablo for Free Online
Authors: Patricia; Potter
sighed. Hadn’t he learned anything today?
    Diablo studied the wound a moment, then took off his bandanna and gave it to Robin. “It’s clean. Hold it to the wound to stop the bleeding.”
    He then went over to Cobb Yancy, checked for signs of life and found none. He treated death very casually, Nicky noticed. “He’s dead, all right,” Diablo said.
    Before she could protest, he returned to Robin. He helped Robin shed his shirt, which he tore in two and made into a sling. When he was through, he offered a steadying arm to Robin.
    â€œDon’t,” Nicky said sharply. “I’ll help him.”
    â€œHe’s losing blood,” Diablo said. “He could lose consciousness. You prepared to take his whole weight?”
    Nicky studied her brother’s face. It was pale, growing paler by the moment. “We’ll send someone back for Yancy. He has a brother. It would be best not to meet him.”
    Diablo didn’t ask any questions, she’d give him that. She looked down at her hands, and noticed they were shaking. She’d never killed a man before.
    Diablo’s eyes seemed to stab through her, reading her thoughts. Then he was guiding Robin to Yancy’s horse, practically lifting her brother on the gelding. There was an easy strength about him, a confidence, that surprised Nicky. He’d looked so much the renegade loner this morning, yet here he’d taken charge automatically, as if he were used to leadership. Resentment mixed with gratitude.
    She tucked the gun into the waist of her trousers and mounted her mare. She kept seeing Yancy’s surprised face as he went down. Her hands were shaking even more now. She’d killed a man. A man who had a very dangerous brother.
    She had known this would happen one day. But nothing could have prepared her for the despair she felt at taking someone’s life. She felt sick inside.
    Diablo, who was riding ahead with Robin, looked back. He reined in his own horse until she was abreast of him, and she felt his watchful gaze settle on her. “Tell Yancy’s brother I did it.”
    Nothing he could have said would have surprised her more.
    â€œI can take care of myself.”
    He couldn’t have insulted her more. “What do you think I just did?”
    â€œI think you just killed your first man, and you don’t need another on your conscience. You certainly don’t need it on your stomach. You look like you’re going to upchuck.”
    She glared at him. “I’m fine.”
    â€œGood. Your brother isn’t.”
    All of Nicky’s attention went to Robin. He was swaying in his saddle. She moved her horse around to his side. “Just a few more minutes, Robin. Hold on.”
    â€œI’m sorry, Sis. I shouldn’t have gone with … Cobb Yancy, but—”
    â€œHush,” she said. “If you hadn’t, Yancy would have found something else. He was after more than me.”
    But Robin wasn’t listening. He was holding on to his saddle horn for dear life, and his face was a white mask now.
    â€œMaybe I should ride ahead,” she said. “Get some help.”
    â€œYou got a doctor in this place?” Diablo asked.
    â€œNot right now. But Andy—”
    â€œThe blacksmith. He knows some medicine, and I can sew up a wound.”
    â€œGo on ahead, and get him ready,” Diablo ordered. “I’ll get your brother there.” He stopped his horse, slipped off and then mounted behind Robin, holding him upright in the saddle.
    Could she really trust Diablo that much? Dare she leave him alone with Robin?
    â€œI’ll take care of him,” Diablo said, more gently this time.
    Nicky finally nodded and spurred her mare into a gallop.
    Kane handled young Thompson gingerly. The boy reminded him of himself years ago, particularly the bravado. The kid was obviously in severe pain, but he wasn’t

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