Deeper Illusions

Read Deeper Illusions for Free Online

Book: Read Deeper Illusions for Free Online
Authors: Annie Jocoby
there with Geoffrey Feiger.
    “Yes, the Greg Schultz. So, now Schultz has his minions out there fanning the stories on all the 24-hour news stations. They’re wanting the public opinion to be on Rochelle’s side, for the purposes of tainting the jury, and the only way to do that is to spread absolute lies on these stations.”
    “But we can sue them for libel and slander, right? Right?”
    “Of course. But how do we prove it? It's her word against ours.”
    “I don’t understand. You were there. You know what happened.”
    “Yes, but who else knew that I was there except Rochelle herself?”
    “You called the cops, they came and picked me up at her house. They arrested her at her house, too.”
    “Yeah, but the lawyer is saying it was all a setup. I dragged you over to Rochelle’s house after you overdosed yourself, then had her arrested, because I wanted revenge on her for leaving me. Or some such ridiculous story.” He sighed and put his head in his hands. “The problem is that I was in rehab just recently. Rochelle doesn’t have a spot on her record. She also owns the Kansas City social scene. I look like the derelict with a bone to pick. She's involved with every charity in the world, too. This is going to be tough.”
    “But Ryan, the story of your relationship with her when you were 14 is also out. Doesn’t that tarnish her?”
    “Of course. She’s going to spin that, too, though. You just wait.”
    “How can she spin that? That's child molestation, plain and simple.” I was dumbfounded by all of it. Just when I thought that I was safe, and my ordeal was behind me….
    I continued “what’s this about my being an involuntary public figure?” I knew something about invasion of privacy laws, and knew that facts may be disclosed if they are a matter of legitimate public concern. Therefore, most people in the public eye can have their private lives exposed. I didn’t feel that I was a public figure, so I wasn’t sure how my hospitalizations could be a matter of legitimate public concern.
    “Sheldon just told me that, because you were a part of a crime that is a matter of public significance, your participation makes you an involuntary public figure. Because of this, the details of your life is considered to be legitimately newsworthy. That’s why the stations can broadcast that information about you.”
    “But what about the lies? They can’t just go on repeating falsehoods like they are.”
    “Let me talk to Sheldon again,” he said. “I’ll see what can be done.”
    He came back. “Sheldon is already on it. He is threatening them all with slander suits. He is also pressing an invasion of privacy issue with them, on the chance that a court won’t find that you and I are public figures because of our involuntary participation in Rochelle’s crime.”
    I sighed. I t really didn’t matter. The damage was done. So we win millions against them – so what? We had millions in the bank, more than we could ever hope to spend in our lifetime. What was a few million more? The point was that everybody now knew all of my deep, dark secrets. Plus, everyone now knew all the dirt in mine and Ryan’s relationship.
    He looked at me. “There is something else.” I nodded. Of course there was something else. There was always something else, it seemed .
    “Rochelle is out on bail.”
    My breath quickened, and I felt my legs buckle as I collapsed on the floor. I realized that I was hyperventilating, and Ryan was rushing to my side. He picked me up, and laid me gently on the couch.
    I finally found my voice. “How is she out? She was a flight risk because of her private jet and her house in Monaco. How could the judge let her out?”
    “They don’t call Schultz the miracle worker for nothing.”
    “I bet money changed hands. Who is the judge?” I hadn’t asked that question before, surprisingly.
    “Judge Reingold.”
    “He has a stellar reputation. I can’t imagine him taking a bribe. So, how did

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