
Read Deception for Free Online

Book: Read Deception for Free Online
Authors: Lillian Duncan
Tags: Christian fiction
Forgiving someone can take a long time,” His voice was gentle.
    Shame burned. “It is.” The tears were falling harder. I’m a failure. As a sister, an aunt, but mostly as a Christian.
    Patti looked out at the ocean for a few moments as she worked to gain control of her emotions. Glancing back at the detective, she wondered about the sadness she heard in his voice.
    It sounded as if he’d had his share of learning how to forgive.
    She wiped at the tears and looked at him. “I’m such a mess.”
    “We all are. That’s why it’s a wonderful thing God’s mercies are new each morning.”
    Patti considered his words. “I suppose, but I’ve got such a bad feeling.”
    “I could tell you everything will be fine, but –”
    “I know,” Patti said. A wave washed into the shore. “I’d rather you be honest, than try to make me feel better.”
    “That’s a deal I can live with.” Carter hesitated, then turned to her as though this was the moment of truth. “Was Jamie ever into drugs?”
    It took a moment for her to grasp the meaning of his question. “No, of course not. What a ridiculous question. What would make you thi—”
    “I just –”
    “You’re wrong. Jamie wouldn’t do something like that.”
    “Think about it, Patti. She has a lot of money and lives a lavish lifestyle. Her nanny doesn’t know what she does for a living and claims she can’t call her when she’s away. What does it sound like to you?”
    “I admit it doesn’t sound good, but I can’t believe she would sell drugs.” Her heart pounded and bile rose up in her throat.
    Jamie selling drugs?
    The thought sickened her.
    “Was she ever into drugs?” he asked in a more gentle tone.
    “For awhile, but nothing serious. She certainly wasn’t selling them.”
    “I checked her arrest record, earlier.”
    Patti waited for the other shoe to drop.
    Jamie, arrested?
    “She’s been arrested before.”
    “If you already knew that, why play this game with me?”Anger tinged her voice.
    “Because it’s not clear-cut, and I wanted to hear what you said, first. No felonies, just some misdemeanors.”
    “Did they have to do with drugs?” Patti asked as she sat back down in a chair.
    “Some did and some didn’t.”
    Her stomach clenched. “Some. How many times was she arrested?”
    “Eight,” Carter said.
    “Eight times. Jamie’s been arrested eight times?” Patti rubbed a hand against her forehead. “I had no idea. I can’t believe this.”
    She couldn’t handle any more. Patti jumped from her chair.
    Sgt. Caldwell followed suit, but she held a hand up.
    “I need some time alone.”

    Carter stared after her as she walked down the beach.
    His brain said not to get emotionally involved with this beautiful woman from Ohio, but his heart told him otherwise. It had been a long time since he’d felt this attracted to someone.
    When his wife, Nancy, died, he’d vowed to never remarry. Still, he could visualize Patti’s lips and...
    A noise in the dark drew Carter’s attention.
    A jogger. The man stopped running and stared at the closed gate. The jogger turned and his eyes widened as he noticed Carter. “Hey, didn’t see you sitting there.”
    Carter went into full cop mode. “You live in there?” he asked.
    “I wish.” The jogger chuckled. “Just stopping to dream about the day when I can afford it. How about you—you live there?”
    “Nah, just taking a break. Enjoying the view.”
    “Gotta get going. Don’t want the muscles to cool down. Have a good one.” The man turned and ran.
    The hairs on the back of Carter’s neck tingled. A harmless jogger. That’s all the man was. No reason to be worried.
    As Carter glanced down the beach, he saw Patti.
    The man was jogging towards Patti...Ms. Jakowski.
    Carter started a slow jog in the same direction. Too slow. He picked up his speed.
    Another shadowed figure walked towards him and the jogger. Patti must have turned around.
    Carter increased his

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