Dead Run

Read Dead Run for Free Online

Book: Read Dead Run for Free Online
Authors: Sean Rodman
Tags: JUV028000, JUV021000, JUV032180
one arm and pushes her sunglasses up. Her green eyes lock on mine. One eyebrow rises up slowly.
    â€œYou’re cute. But you should learn how to ride a bike. And I’ve still got those training wheels…”
    That’s it. I lunge at her and start tickling. She squeals and rolls away, then gracefully hops up onto her feet and into a cheesy kung-fu pose.
    â€œWe should see how good you really are,” she says dramatically. “You up for a race?”
    â€œRight now?” I say. “Don’t we have to get back to work?”
    â€œNot right now, doofus. Tonight. There’s an alleycat. The prize money isn’t much. But I’d think you were pretty cool if you won.” I’ve heard the other couriers talk about these races. It’s a kind of scavenger hunt for bike messengers. To win, you have to find a bunch of stops scattered throughout downtown. At each stop, there’s a challenge or puzzle of some kind. Otherwise, no rules. Find your own route, get the job done.
    â€œAwesome. Where do I sign up?” I say.
    â€œYou don’t sign up. Just show up. This one is unofficial. Eight o’clock tonight. River Road parking garage, top level.”
    That’s when my cell goes off, buzzing in my cargo shorts. I check it and see the number flashing on the screen. It’s Viktor. Robin sees the screen too.
    â€œViktor? Why’s he calling you?”
    â€œI dunno,” I lie. “I should get this.” I turn away from her awkwardly and answer the phone. Just like I thought. It’s another dead run. Viktor wants me back at Champion Couriers to get the details. I hang up and turn around to see Robin glaring at me.
    â€œWhat?” I ask.
    â€œYou kidding me? He’s got you doing the dead runs?”
    â€œIt’s none of your business,” I say. “Anyways, what’s the big deal? You were doing them for a while.”
    â€œAnd I stopped! It was totally sketchy. I told Viktor he shouldn’t…those packages could have anything in them!”
    â€œLook, I don’t want to know what’s in them. I just make the deliveries. I don’t ask questions. I’m not doing anything wrong.”
    â€œYou’re an idiot!” She’s actually starting to tear up. “You don’t even understand what you’ve gotten yourself into!”
    â€œI can handle myself!” I yell back. What the hell just happened? I have this urge to run, get out of here. I don’t say another word to Robin. I grab my bike. And go.

Chapter Twelve
    I take my anger out on the road, thrashing my way through traffic. I’ve cooled off a little by the time I hit the yard at Champion. But when Robin suddenly skids to a stop beside me, I’m still ready for a fight. I start in on her before she can say anything.
    â€œYou think you know so much more than me. Always treating me like a kid,” I say. “Since when are you so perfect?”
    Robin just holds her hands up, trying to slow me down. “You’re right, Sam. Totally right. I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have lost it on you.” She puts a hand on my shoulder and reaches to stroke my cheek. “I just worry about you, all right?”
    â€œWell, you shouldn’t have freaked out,” I say lamely. All my anger melts into a nervous buzz. Awkwardly, I walk my bike into the garage. Robin follows beside me.
    â€œSo what’s the deal?” I ask. “Are you jealous that Viktor gave me the dead run instead of you?”
    â€œNo, it’s not that.” She shakes her head. “It’s really not that. I don’t care about Viktor. Not the way you do.”
    â€œI just think he can take me places, you know? Make me into something.” Robin stops and looks at me.
    â€œSam, you don’t have to be made into anything. You’ve got everything you need. And I’m worried about what’s going to…” She cuts off, looking

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