Daniel's Dream

Read Daniel's Dream for Free Online

Book: Read Daniel's Dream for Free Online
Authors: Andi Anderson
Tags: M/M Contemporary, Source: Amazon
covered flags in the entryway. The delicious smell of baked goods made Daniel's mouth water.
    He and Uncle Josh came here a lot on Saturday mornings to pick up donuts and sometimes other desserts. Daniel really liked the owner, Shiloh and his partner Allen. Both men were always really nice and Shiloh always gave him a cup of Hawaiian Punch, which Daniel loved, every time they went there.
    Daniel opened the glass door and heard the tinkling of the bell above it. He loved that sound. It always made him feel good to be here.
    "Daniel! You're here! Did you leave Josh and Nick at home?" Shiloh teased from behind the counter. As usual the short man was dressed in a dark purple shirt and a brightly colored apron that always looked like it was covered with flour.
    The owner, Shiloh, was pretty for a man. Daniel thought his shoulder length dark hair looked cool and his yellow colored eyes were creepy looking in a really neat way. He always enjoyed being around him, even if he was more bouncy than any girl Daniel had ever met.
    "Hi, Shiloh! How's it going? We're here to look at wedding cakes," Daniel announced proudly as he walked over to the glass counter and looked at all of the delicious looking cinnamon buns and colorful cupcakes displayed there.
    "I know! We're going to have so much fun picking out the perfect cake, Daniel. How about some Hawaiian Punch while all of you pick out the one that will be perfect for the wedding?" Shiloh winked at him and waved at uncles as they walked into the building and stood behind him.
    "That would be awesome…thanks!"
    Shiloh gave him his fruit drink and his uncles the water they had requested. Daniel would never understand why anyone would pick water to drink over Hawaiian Punch, but adults could be weird sometimes.
    Then the small colorful man led them into another room. They all sat at a large round table and Shiloh gave them huge books to look through. Daniel couldn't believe all the different designs and sizes the cakes could look like.
    As they continued to look through the books, Allen came in with a cart filled with small pieces of different types and flavors they had to choose from. Daniel loved every one of them, but the pink strawberry one with the cream filled icing was his favorite.
    He noticed that his uncles liked the chocolate one best and he tried to smile, a little disappointed. It was true that the chocolate one was delicious, but the strawberry one tasted yummier. He had really hoped that would be the one they were going to choose.
    Uncle Josh looked over at him and placed his hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "Which flavors do you like best, Daniel? Nick and I like the chocolate, but it's important to us that we all agree on it."
    Daniel looked up from the pink crumbs on the plate where the piece of cake once sat, and noticed that all of the adults were looking at him like his opinion mattered, and that made him feel good.
    "I liked the chocolate, but the strawberry one is my favorite."
    His uncles looked at each other and back at him.
    "Well… the strawberry cake is delicious," Uncle Josh said and winked at Uncle Nick.
    Nick grinned and looked over at him and nodded. "I think you're right, Danny boy. The wedding cake should be strawberry, and we could have the chocolate as an extra one."
    A huge smile formed on his face and he took a sip of his fruit drink. Daniel loved that the adults in his life listened to him. They didn't always agree with him, but they always gave him an opportunity to talk. This made Daniel feel special.
    After looking through many pictures, they all three settled on a beautiful three-tiered wedding cake. Daniel knew it would be perfect for the wedding.
    "Now that y'all have picked out the perfect cake for your wedding…what day will the happy occasion be?" Shiloh asked as he scribbled down information on pink colored paper.
    His uncles looked at each other and then back at Shiloh.
    "I think it should be the weekend of Father's Day,"

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