Dangerous Desires

Read Dangerous Desires for Free Online

Book: Read Dangerous Desires for Free Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
young breasts.
    “That’s enough,” she breathed. “I can’t take anymore.”
    “Of course you can. I haven’t fucked your pretty mouth yet.”
    “Dave, I ...”
    “What’s the matter? You wanted me to use and abuse you, didn’t you?”
    “Yes, but ... I mean, no I didn’t.”
    “Shave your cunt,” he said firmly. “I like my filthy little whores shaved.”
    “Dave, are you all right?” she asked, staring into his glazed eyes.
    “I will be once you’ve shaved your dirty little cunt. Go on, shave your filthy cunt. I want you looking like a naughty little schoolgirlie.”
    “Are you normally like this?”
    “Like what?”
    “I don’t know. It’s just that you seem different.”
    “Different?” he sniggered. “I’m treating you the way you want to be treated, Annabelle.
    You want to be treated like a filthy slut, and that’s what I’m doing.”
    “OK, so stop it now.”
    “Stop? Why stop? OK, go and shave your dirty cunt.”
    “All right,” she said, rising to her feet and leaving the room.
    Locking the bathroom door, Annabelle sat on the side of the bath and thought about Dave’s crude request. It was as if he was possessed by some insane pervert, she mused. Was the ritual to blame? she wondered. No, she concluded. The ritual was nothing but nonsense. There was no black magic or Voodoo. The power of suggestion might have ... But Dave had heard the girl’s voice, heard Annabelle’s thoughts. What did he intend to do next? she wondered fearfully.
    If he really was possessed and he ...
    “Have you shaved your piss-dripping pubes yet?” he called through the door.
    “Dave, please ... Go home now, Dave,” she said, seriously beginning to fear him.
    “Go home? But ...”
    “I’ll call you tomorrow. Please, go home now.”
    Hearing movements in the hall, she wondered what he was doing. Praying for him to dress and leave, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her naked body. This was crazy, she reflected, listening at the door. The ritual hadn’t changed Dave in to a sex fiend. He must have been that way before, she was sure. Not knowing him well, she hadn’t realized that he was heavily into perverted sex. This had nothing to do with unseen entities, had it? Annabelle didn’t 33
    know what to think. The front door finally slamming shut, she emerged from the bathroom and ventured into the lounge.
    “Thank God,” she whispered, sure that he’d left. Grabbing her dressing gown, she switched the light off and went into her bedroom. Sperm oozing from the burning ring of her anus, she knew that she should have a shower before going to bed but she was physically and mentally exhausted. Pulling the quilt up around her neck, she closed her eyes and tried not to think about the ritual. Were the ghosts in the house? Were monsters lurking, hiding in the shadows, waiting to pounce? In her dreams, her nightmares, images of the Devil haunted her.
    Woken by the phone the following morning, Annabelle wasn’t going to answer it. Her bleary eyes glancing at the clock, she knew that she should be up and ready to go job hunting. Finally opening her sleepy eyes wide when she realized that the caller wasn’t going to give up, she lifted the receiver. It was her sister with another report about Brian. Annabelle didn’t need this. But listened to the story about his car breaking down by the roadside before recalling the words she’d murmured during the ritual.
    “When was this?” she asked, sitting up.
    “This morning,” Carole replied. “I was driving along Percival Road and saw Brian with the bonnet up. Smoke was billowing from the engine.”
    “God,” Annabelle breathed, realizing the power of the ritual. “I didn’t think it would work.”
    “What wouldn’t work?” Carole breathed. “What do you mean?”
    “Sorry, I’ve only just woken up and I’m not with it yet.”
    “By the way, there’s more bad news. I tried ringing you last night and

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