Cruz: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 2)

Read Cruz: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Cruz: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Anna Hackett
you’ve seen that might lead to where these prisoners are being held.”
    She gave a slow nod. “I haven’t seen any human prisoners. Everyone I’ve seen caught is usually killed, not taken prisoner. But I have locations and can probably narrow it down to the best possibilities.”
    “That would help a lot,” Marcus said.
    Shaw leaned forward to detach the transfusion device from Cruz and Santha’s arms. When she struggled to get up off the couch, Cruz slid an arm around her and took most of her weight.
    She shot him an unfriendly look but didn’t protest. “Come on. I’ll show you my data.”

Chapter Four
    Santha hobbled across the living room, horribly aware that the only thing keeping her upright was Cruz. Without his armor on, the warmth of his hard body blasted through her. The man was so incredibly hot.
    In more ways than one.
    She pushed that thought aside. He was also an alpha warrior used to getting his own way. She didn’t need that distraction in her life. Right now, they had some prisoners to focus on.
    All of the possible reasons the raptors might be keeping human prisoners cascaded through her head. None of them were good.
    She opened the door to one of the bedrooms and Cruz reached out an arm to push it open wider. With only a black T-shirt stretched over his chest, his arms were bare and striking black ink in a fascinating tribal design peeked out from beneath the edges of the sleeves. She eyed the way it wrapped around his muscled biceps. Her fingers twitched. No touching . But it did make her wonder what other ink he might have on that fascinating body.
    She cleared her throat. “There’s a battery-powered lantern on the table. The windows are blacked out.”
    He reached past her and flicked it on. It filled the room with a muted, blue light.
    The rest of Cruz’s team pushed in behind them.
    “Holy hell,” Claudia breathed.
    Shaw was blinking, his gaze glued to the wall. “You’re right, you are smart.”
    The entire wall was filled with her recon information. Maps, notes, photos. Things were grouped in clusters and she’d drawn lines with dark marker on the wall linking various items. Her gaze fell on one familiar photo, containing a tall, lean raptor with smoother, darker skin.
    Marcus approached the wall, fingering a picture showing raptor ships landing in a park. “How long have you been putting this together?”
    “Pretty much since the bastards arrived.” Since the day after she’d watched, helpless, as they’d dragged her sister’s dead body away.
    “And this?” Gabe had nudged open the adjoining door. The bathroom was packed with lab equipment, glass beakers with tubes running from one to another. A pale-green fluid filled them.
    “That’s where I make the cedar oil substance that repels the canids.”
    Cruz’s arm tightened on her. She’d given them the recipe for the spray a few weeks back and the geek squad back at base were busy replicating it. “We need you to come to base. We’ll bring all this with us. After the doc gives you the all-clear, we need your help to plan out the recon missions to find the prisoners.”
    Santha didn’t hesitate. “Okay.”
    He cocked his head. “Just like that? When you were ready to fight me before?”
    “They killed my sister. Those prisoners, they’re someone else’s sisters, brothers, lovers. I’ll do whatever I can to help you free them.”
    Suddenly, an intense wave of cold washed over her. She shivered and her knees gave way like they were made of wet rope. With a curse, Cruz caught her.
    Shaw swore. “Nanos are getting a bit aggressive.” The sniper tapped his tablet screen.
    Giant shivers wracked Santha, her teeth chattering so hard she thought they’d shatter. God, it hurt.
    Cruz swept her up into his arms. “Shaw?”
    “Fuck. Fuck!” Shaw looked up. “Cascade.”
    Now, Cruz swore. Gritting her teeth through the pain, she looked up at him. “What…is…it?”
    “The nano-meds are out of control. If we

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