Croc and the Fox

Read Croc and the Fox for Free Online

Book: Read Croc and the Fox for Free Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
blood she could smell on his clothes, and the weapons he carried. In this new world, filled with strangers and large spaces, Project would stick to the one person she trusted, even if it annoyed him.
The ride, while less scary this time, was a great opportunity to snuggle him again. To her delight, the same hard nudge of before rested under her bottom. It pleased her especially since she knew he wasn’t happy about the order to take her home.
Inexperienced when it came to sex, Project still understood the mechanics. She’d watched it enough when the guards and doctors came down to the dungeon to have turns with the prisoners in exchange for extras like food and blankets. No one approached Project with the same offer, though, leaving her curious.
What did sex feel like? Were the gasps and groans she heard from the other cells those of pain or pleasure? She’d asked one of the scientists once to explain sex to her. He’d mentioned something about showing her instead. He’d grabbed her, placing a slobbery kiss on her lips she didn’t enjoy at all. Then, she recalled nothing, waking to find herself in her cell, with no idea what happened. As for the man who’d given her a kiss, her only kiss? She never saw him again. And no one ever touched her after that unless it was for tests. Mastermind made sure of that.
It rankled because she had to wonder, did no one find her attractive? Did they sense the strangeness in her that went beyond the fact she couldn’t shift? Why did no one even attempt to flirt with her?
Viktor didn’t flirt, but at least a part of his body showed a definite interest. However, an impressive erection didn’t mean he’d do anything about it. He seemed pretty determined to get rid of her, which didn’t sit well at all. But how could she get him to change his mind?
Musings were set aside as the vehicle drove into a large area made of concrete, pillars and ducts. Dark except for the occasion fluorescent light, she found the closed in space comforting. All around, cars were parked in neat rows.
“What is this place?”
“The parking garage under my building. There’s a service elevator we can take where no one will see us.”
Slowing to a stop, the driver, the same man who’d sniffed her at Viktor’s request, turned in his seat, and said, “Home sweet home. Have fun with your guest.”
Project didn’t understand the inflection and Viktor, a dangerous look in his eyes, grunted in reply. Her protector exited the vehicle and, with an arm around her waist, yanked her out to stand by him. Project waved goodbye to the driver who grinned and saluted her. Then she had to scurry as Viktor strode with brisk steps to an elevator. Hanging on to his arm, she hurried to
keep up.“Where are we going?”
    “My condo.”
“What’s a condo?”
He sighed as he scrubbed his face. “It’s short for
condominium. A glorified apartment. It’s where I live. Where you’re going to stay too, until they find you a place.”
    “Do you have enough room? Is it bigger than my cell?” she asked.
Despite his lingering annoyance, his lips quirked. “Much. You’ll see.” He tugged her into the elevator when the door slid open and ran a card along a slot. The portal whispered shut and she felt her stomach bottom out as the elevator ascended.
Up they went. She watched the numbers climb, counting silently in her head until they reached the very last floor, number thirty five. They stepped into a square area with just one door flanked by a keypad. Bending down, he untied the laces to his boots, and glanced pointedly at the slippers someone loaned her. She kicked them off, but she wasn’t sure if her dirty feet were any better. Feet clad in a pair of black socks, he straightened and tapped on the small console. A beep sounded along with a click.
Viktor opened the door and gestured her in. Smiling, Project stepped into his home, and then made a grab for him as the view overwhelmed.
Thickly muscled arms circled around her body

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