Craving: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 8)

Read Craving: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 8) for Free Online

Book: Read Craving: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 8) for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Lace
took what he wanted. Kai's diplomatic aides tried to explain that it was a matter of culture and that different societies have different customs. Humans did not have sindares.
    Kai thought it sounded like a pile of shit.
    Earth people, despite their free distribution of technology, were a peculiar and savage lot. He was now pleased with his uncle's plan, even if did carry the stench of dishonor. He wouldn't want one of these wretched creatures in his bed for a single night, let alone a lifetime.
    Today he started touring the different facilities to evaluate the potential mates. Kai was not looking forward to it.

    * * *
    J enn woke with a jolt . Her sheets were wet with sweat, and the lights were still out in the dorm. The recurring dream had come again. It was a replay of the terrible night when she confronted Anton. In their acid-fueled argument, more of Anton's secrets came spilling out into the open. Anton had re-signed her lease on the apartment, and he drained every credit out of her trust fund. In both instances, he had forged Jenn's signature. It was a good thing she had Nayla there for moral support. Otherwise, she was so angry she thought she might have killed the dirty rat.
    Nayla had dragged Jenn away and helped set her up at Nayla's grandmother's apartment. It quickly became apparent that Nayla had enough problems without adding another mouth to feed. In desperation, she signed up for the TerraMates Anquera program. As part of the new service, they fed and housed applicants while waiting for the selection process to end. Jenn was sure the aliens wouldn't select her. Many women had applied, but most didn't even make it through the TerraMates screening.
    Women who could work, were in good health, and had a college education were considered good prospects. Jenn made the cut. She joined hundreds of other women at the Facility, a converted warehouse enhanced with makeshift bathrooms and a mess hall. Jenn's time in the Facility was like going to school all over again. Teachers gave lessons in the Anquesh language, culture, and manners.
    Jenn found their language unintelligible and their culture barbaric. She was happy to blend into the crowd as long as she had a roof over her head. The chances of the Emissary picking here were minuscule. Many of the other women were gorgeous and loved the idea of marrying into their enemy's royal family.
    The Facility was much better than starving on the street. After she had arrived, she discovered there was a two thousand credit stipend for women who weren't selected. The amount of money being spent was shocking, but Jenn supposed Earth needed the marriage to succeed. In her downtime, Jenn applied for odd jobs and crossed her fingers.
    Today, after a shower and breakfast she went to her first class, Anquesh culture. But she was greeted with a surprise. At each seat at the table was a large, long box. The instructor, a middle-aged woman named Ms. Bellish, stood with a bright smile at the front of the class. The other potentials filed in and took their seats.
    "Ladies, I have a surprise for you. Emissary Kai Imwaden is visiting our facility this week! The visit will be your chance to make a good first impression, so we've provided each of you with a lovely tailored dress and some heels. Get dressed and we'll see how you all look. No judging, ladies."
    Jenn opened the box with her name on it. The dress was an emerald green, a color that looked especially good on her. She smiled. Even if she weren't selected, at least she would go home with some new clothes. As she imagined herself wearing the outfit, she idly wondered what would happen if the Emissary decided to choose her. Now that the moment was at hand, she couldn't imagine offering herself to an Anquesh monster.
    She grabbed the box and went looking for a place to hide.

    * * *
    A t first , Kai had been excited to look through a group of beautiful human women, but now he groaned at the sight of the queue stretching in front of him.

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