
Read CovertDesires for Free Online

Book: Read CovertDesires for Free Online
Authors: Chandra Ryan
process.” Or at least that was what she’d been told.
    “Must hurt like a bitch.”
    She smiled. “Better than the alternative.”
    “I guess I see your point. Here.” He handed her two pills.
“These sedatives should help you stay comfortable until the healing process
kicks in.”
    “Don’t they need to debrief me?”
    “They’re talking to your partner right now. They won’t be
ready for you for a while. You’ve got time.”
    Her arms were starting to itch and her head hurt from the
weapon strike. But there was one thing she wanted to know before she fell
asleep. “Did they find anyone else? They were torturing someone. He was injured
but he got away. I think.”
    “They haven’t brought anyone else in for treatment. Your
boss will probably know more though.”
    “Take the sedatives. Rest. You’ll feel better.”
    The pills went down smoothly. And thankfully they took
effect quickly. Within a few minutes she started to nod off. It felt good to
relax as her aches and pains drifted with the artificial ebb and flow of the
    “Lie back. You’re safe now.”
    But she wasn’t.
    “They’re going to come looking for us.”
    “A judge issued a search warrant when they were bringing you
guys in. The camp has been cleared.”
    “Not all the rats were on the ship when it went down.” She
wasn’t sure why she said the words. Or even if she had. They sounded garbled
even in her head.
    Somehow she’d managed to lie back on the hospital bed.
“There was another. He wasn’t there.” The words were said around a yawn.
    Warmth surrounded her as the doctor pulled a blanket over
her. “I’m sure you can tell them all about it when you wake up.”
    “Rowe.” Jack’s voice seemed distant. Why was he so far away?
“Rowe. Wake up.”
    She was asleep? Why would she be napping? Weren’t they
supposed to catch the bad guy? “I’m awake.”
    “How are you feeling?”
    “I’m good.” Her words were slurred. “Head is heavy.” She
opened her eyes and blinked at the bright lights that surrounded her. “Where am
    “Someplace safe.”
    “I feel weird.”
    “You’ll feel better soon.” He brushed his hand over her
forehead and the touch made her sigh.
    “Have to.”
    He laughed. “Yes you do.”
    “Need to save you.”
    He kissed her forehead gently. “You already did. And I
appreciate it.”
    There was something she needed to tell him but having him so
close made her mind fuzzy. Or maybe it was the medication. He leaned down and
kissed her again. This time his mouth found hers. There was no heat in the
touch though. And that didn’t seem right.
    She wrapped her arms around his neck and traced her tongue
over the seam of his lips. He would respond to her. “I’ll save you again and
you’ll fall helplessly in love with me.”
    “What?” He tried to pull away from her but she held on to
    “Not now. Then.” She lifted her head so she could kiss him.
“Now is the time to finish business.” After she kissed him a couple more times
he started to relax in her hold.
    “You’re so heavily medicated you probably have no idea what
you’re saying.”
    She always knew what she was saying. When she was saying it
at least. But since he wasn’t trying to run away she decided not to correct
    “And you probably have no idea what you’re doing,” he
continued. “Which means I should go.”
    She couldn’t let that happen. He would fall in love with her
regardless but she wanted to have a bit of fun. “I’m not medicated.”
    This time he did manage to pull away from her. “Really?
Because the doctor says you are.”
    She smiled what she hoped would be a seductive smile. She
didn’t have enough experience to be certain though. “Okay, I’m a little out of
it. But I’m not that medicated.” To sweeten the words she ran her hands
up his shirt. She liked how the warmth radiated off his skin. “I know exactly
what I’m

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