CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)

Read CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Clair Delaney
and a fully blown modern kitchen, Joyce likes to eat fresh every-day. And there
have been plenty of occasions when someone has had a big case on and they have
slept at the office.
    “Interesting.” He murmurs, then
turns and smiles at me - Holy mother of God!
    His teeth are perfect as is his
smile. I think he’s finding my gobsmacked expression amusing because his grin
widens, making his nose and eyes crinkle in the most delectable way. I hear my
breathe catch and quickly sit down in my chair before my legs give way. Jesus,
I could stare at that face all day.
    “Coral?” I hear, rather than see
Joyce standing in her doorway, but I can’t take my eyes of Mr Mogul.
    “Err…yes. Sorry Joyce, Mr Mo’ – Shit! – ‘Mr Freeman wanted to see’ – “Joyce, how are you?” he interrupts, saving me.
    I watch him greet Joyce, softly
kissing each of her cheeks and I'm amazed to see a slight blush appear. So
it’s not just me?
    As I sit there, totally
mesmerised by him, I'm drawn to the track that Classic FM have started playing
– James Lasts, Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo – It’s one of my favourite
classical pieces. I close my eyes for a moment, imagining myself dancing and
swaying with him, his strong arms holding me close to his delectable body.
    But who am I kidding? Yes I want
something mind blowing and amazing, especially with someone like him, but it’s
not on the cards for me, I realised that a long time ago. People who are in
love are open, intimate, they are not afraid to show their vulnerability to
each other, and that, unfortunately, is something I cannot and will not ever do
- It’s too scary to even think about.
    I push the stupid thought aside
and as I open my eyes, I see they are talking in hushed voices. He has hold of
her arms, she has her hands resting on his forearms. Joyce glances across at
me, giving me a look that speaks volumes.
    Great now I’m in trouble for
not immediately telling her that he was here, this day just keeps getting
    I scowl at my keyboard, wiggling
the mouse to wake up my desktop and pretend that I am typing something, they
move closer to me.
    ....“Of course,” he coos. “Coral
showed me.” He smiles at Joyce then at me. I look up at him not wanting to seem
like I‘m being rude, and plaster a fake smile across my face – I will never
go to heaven, no way, hell has a seat waiting for me!
    “Shall we begin?” He asks and
holds out his arm for Joyce. How Gentlemanly of him - How old school!
    “Thank you Tristan.” She takes
him arm and he leads her past my desk. I can see she is putting on a brave
face. God, this must be so hard for her to do. I wonder whether John would be
happy with what she’s doing?
    “Coral.” I look up at Joyce. “The
meeting may go over, but you can still leave at five.”
    “Are you sure?” I answer my voice
a high octave.
    I swallow hard trying to get my
normal voice back.
    “Yes, I have sent over what needs
completing.” I nod knowing my inbox may be overflowing, but I welcome the work,
anything to take my mind off what’s happening.
    “Of course Joyce, I’ll get right
on it.”
    I really, really try not to look at
him, at his solid manly body, but as he walks away, I find my head
involuntarily craning over my desk to try and get a good look at him. Damn
he is one fine specimen!

    I AM DEEP IN WORK , trying
as fast as I can to get all the letters typed up for Joyce, when my mobile
starts buzzing in my top drawer. I quickly pull it out and see that it’s
Debbie, my adoptive sister. She’s blonde, bubbly and flirtatious, and she
hasn’t got a care in the world – I spent most my childhood wishing I could be
more like her.
    “Debs,” I answer briskly.
    “Hey trouble, how are you?”
    “Good, busy.” I answer abruptly.
    “Just called to remind you, its
Lily’s birthday party this weekend,” she says. Damn it, forgot about that! Debs
married Scott ten years ago, and despite my

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