Claim the Bear

Read Claim the Bear for Free Online

Book: Read Claim the Bear for Free Online
Authors: T. S. Joyce
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
I don’t know why you’re here, and frankly, I don’t care. You’re obviously up to something, but you don’t belong here, and whatever game you’re playing won’t work. You’ll need to leave before you get yourself killed. It won’t make much difference to me, but it doesn’t sit right with me for you to go to battle with one of our bears when you’re injured like this. It wouldn’t be a fair fight.”
    “I wouldn’t fight anyway,” she murmured, self-loathing lacing her tone. Her cat was about as scared as an animal could be.
    “What’s your name?” he asked as he led her to a chair.
    Settling in, she rearranged the sheet to better cover her. “Breshia, of the Portland pride.”
    “Shira is your alpha?”
    Breshia tried to keep the snarl from her lips. “She is.”
    “I’m sorry,” he said lightly as humor danced across the blue color of his eyes.
    Surprised, Breshia laughed. Her eyes went wide and she pulled her hand in front of her mouth. “That’s not funny. I shouldn’t laugh at my alpha’s expense.”
    “Says who? I bust my alpha’s balls all the time. Keeps him on his toes.”
    “Ethan Brenner?”
    “No, Ethan’s not my alpha,” he muttered, turning her toward the light and pressing a damp cloth on her back. “Bron is my alpha.”
    “Bron?” she cried, slinking away from his touch. “I thought I was in the Seven Devils clan, not Hells Canyon. He’s going to kill me!”
    “Settle down. I told you I’d get you out of here. Bron doesn’t even know you’re here. And you are in the Seven Devils clan. I’m just here for the week helping with some repairs. Don’t worry, kitty, you snuck into the right clan,” he said, sarcasm tainting his tone.
    “I think I need to talk to Ethan Brenner.”
    “You already had your first meeting with Ethan. He was the bruin who tried to kill you by the cliffs.”
    Panting, she sifted through painful memories of her time in the woods—of her time escaping Thomas. The vision of that monster grizzly coming for her conjured gooseflesh across her forearms. And he was supposedly the less terrifying bear alpha between him and Bron. What had Shay got her into?
    “I came here for sanctuary.”
    “Sanctuary not granted. Sorry, kitty. Surely you can understand my hesitation. Your pride is after something very important to us. Can’t have a spy traipsing all through Hells Canyon doing God knows what.”
    “The child?”
    The stranger didn’t answer.
    “I don’t care about the child. She’s fine here with Logan and his mate. I care about living, and if you take me back to them, I’ll be broken.”
    “Enough,” he growled out. “I can’t trust anything you say, so keep your stories to yourself.”
    “My name’s not kitty,” she gritted out, twisting in the chair to glare at him. One look in his eyes and she dropped her gaze like the wuss she was. “I told you, it’s Breshia.” She tried and failed to lift her gaze to his. “What’s your name?”
    “Doesn’t matter. You won’t be here long enough for it to mean anything to you.”

Chapter Five
    Breshia shrugged into the oversized ranger uniform Dillon had borrowed for her. He grimaced at how much it had to hurt, stretching the new bandages he’d put on her like that. His own shoulder was throbbing in rhythm to his heartbeat, and she had twice the injuries.
    She’d offered to bandage him up in return, but allowing her to care for him seemed much more dangerous than letting it be. It wasn’t like pain was a new concept to him. Right now, it was a daily part of life. Bron had asked him to challenge for second in the clan when he’d taken over alpha. He didn’t know why Bron though he’d be any good at leading the clan someday, but he’d been one of his best friends since senior year in high school, and he’d do just about anything his alpha asked.
    Now, he was fighting the other clan members interested in second, sometimes several times until their bears decided who was dominant.

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