Cindy's Doctor Charming

Read Cindy's Doctor Charming for Free Online

Book: Read Cindy's Doctor Charming for Free Online
Authors: Teresa Southwick
slid into her friend’s eyes. “Let him call. You don’t have to commit to anything. And I wouldn’t if I were you.”
    â€œPreaching to the choir, H,” Cindy said. “I don’t have time for the games.”
    Just then Nathan walked back into the unit to check on the baby.
    â€œGotta go,” Harlow said.
    Cindy turned away and finished her job in the NICU,then slipped out the door. Her clean cart was against the wall in the hall. She was still putting away her cleaning supplies when she heard the doors behind her whisper open. It could have been anyone, but not just anyone made the hair at her nape prickle. Only Nathan did that and the development was recent. And, annoyingly enough, recurring.
    She turned around. “Did I forget to do something in the unit?”
    â€œNo. I just—” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I saw you talking to Harlow.”
    â€œShe’s my friend. One of the fairy godmothers, actually.”
    â€œGood to know her talents are more than just being one of the best respiratory techs here at Mercy Medical.”
    â€œSpeaking of that,” she said. “I was watching just now, when you were working on the gladiator.”
    â€œDon’t ask me where that came from,” he said sheepishly. The look was too darn cute.
    â€œOkay. But I wanted to ask something else.” Anything to take the edge off his appeal. She met his gaze and said, “What did you mean when you said ‘surf’ him?”
    â€œSurfactin. It’s a medication.”
    â€œYeah. I was pretty sure you weren’t talking about ocean waves. What does it do?”
    â€œMakes the lungs more flexible. If they’re stiff, air can’t be pushed in and out,” he explained. “One of the problems in neonates is that their lungs are immature. The medication helps them function better until they fully develop.”
    â€œI see.”
    â€œGood. Now I’ve got one for you.”
    â€œOne what?”
    â€œQuestion. Turnabout is fair play.” He leaned a broad shoulder against the wall.
    If the inquiry was about how a guy could look so sexy dressed in utilitarian scrubs, she had no answer. On every possible level it was just wrong for him to be so yummy in shapeless cotton material with a drawstring at the waist of the pants. The V-neck shirt at least revealed the hint of chest hair, but really, the ensemble left a lot to be desired. Except the guy in it was more desirable than her favorite chocolate with caramel.
    â€œOkay. You can ask,” she said, knowing she was really going to regret giving permission.
    â€œWhat do you have against giving me your phone number?” he said.
    â€œYou’ll use it,” she answered. “Gotta get back to work now.”
    She grabbed her cart and pushed it down the hall, feeling his gaze lasering into her back until she rounded the corner. Leaning against the wall, she blew out a long breath.
    It was hard work going one on one with a hero. Even harder to remember why she needed to not get sucked into the games. Between work and school, she didn’t have the time or energy. Whatever he was selling, she wasn’t buying. And even if she were, she’d just blown any chance with him. Like Harlow said, women were waiting in line.
    So much for her plan to attend the fundraiser and enjoy every moment. Pulling out those memories of how the beautiful people lived was supposed to brighten her daily grind. She’d made memories, all right, and so much more. She’d snagged the doctor’s attention. For all the good that would do.
    After today he wouldn’t waste any more time on her. Which was just as well because she didn’t have the time, energy or emotional reserves to waste on him.
    And that made her sad and angry. It made her wish that once upon a time, she hadn’t been duped and damaged by a dope.
    As Nathan headed down the

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