Chronicles of Eden - Act 2

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act 2 for Free Online

Book: Read Chronicles of Eden - Act 2 for Free Online
Authors: Alexander Gordon
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
I think that would have been the greater of two evils here!” Triska cried out.
    “Enough!” Daniel called out, with the girls looking to seeing him still holding a hand over his eyes.
    “Triska, are you decent?” he asked. Triska looked down to her ravaged shirt and exposed bosom then slowly shook her head.
    “Not exactly,” she admitted.
    “What happened to your shirt?” Luna asked curiously.
    “You happened to it!” Triska shouted out at her. Luna just tilted her head slightly with a curious expression.
    Daniel nodded with a quiet sigh while keeping his eyes covered.
    “Specca, could you please take Triska into the caravan and help her get cleaned up?” he asked kindly.
    “Of course, Daniel,” Specca said walking over to Triska. She helped the human stand back up, with Triska looking from her to Luna with a worried expression. Luna smiled nervously and backed up towards Falla.
    “Um… sorry?” she said unsurely. Triska opened her mouth to speak, stared at the butterfly girl for a moment, and then shook her head as she looked down to the ground while Specca guided her back towards the caravan. On their way Triska glanced to Alyssa with a glare, the witch giggling and looking at her with an innocent smile.
    “Calm down, Triska, she said she was sorry,” Alyssa said playfully.
    “Alyssa,” Daniel scolded sternly. Alyssa jumped a bit then looked to him nervously as the boy was glancing to her while making sure Triska and Specca were out of his line of sight. The witch smiled weakly at him for a moment then pointed to Triska with a pout.
    “But, Daniel, she started it, I could have lost my hand earlier because of her,” she whined. Daniel just continued to watch her with a stern expression, with Alyssa looking back and forth between him and Triska, waiting for a while before looking down at the ground with remorse.
    “Sorry,” she said quietly. Daniel shook his head then looked back to Luna and Falla, the two girls watching him still while Falla was struggling to free herself again.
    “Squeak, take Alyssa in as well and make sure she doesn’t cause more trouble for Triska,” Daniel calmly requested. Alyssa opened her mouth to speak before the boy glanced to her again.
    “And make sure she apologizes to Triska, not the ground, for what she did,” he added.
    “But, Daniel,” Alyssa whined with a few hops. Squeak walked over to the witch then pointed towards the caravan with a stern squeak. Alyssa looked at her with disbelief as the ant girl watched her with a firm expression.
    “Hold on, I didn’t-” Alyssa started before Squeak pointed again to the caravan while squeaking a few times.
    “But that’s not-” Alyssa tried again before Squeak again pointed to the ride and squeaked sternly at the witch. Alyssa looked at her for a moment then over to see Triska and Specca climbing up into the caravan, both of the girls heading inside the cabin from the front entrance one after the other. Alyssa growled with frustration then looked down with a sigh and worried expression. She started walking towards the caravan as well, with Squeak following after her while keeping an eye on the witch. Daniel watched as the girls all boarded the caravan then looked back to the two butterfly girls.
    “Did I do something wrong?” Luna asked worriedly.
    “Aside from molesting Triska and nearly biting off Alyssa’s hand, no, you haven’t done anything wrong,” Daniel reasoned while shaking his head, then looked to Falla with a dull stare as the bound girl was still struggling to free herself from the vines.
    “Your sister however has, and her repeated mistakes are really getting annoying to us,” he said flatly. Falla growled then glared at him with frustration.
    “Then just give me what you promised already, what’s your problem? You’re giving it to all of those girls, why not me as well?” she demanded.
    “I’m not doing anything of the sort with them, Falla, I’m not traveling with them just to have

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