Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters)
the same time giving Dax a hand signal to stay put. She softly stepped down the stairs. She could hear the gentle snores of numerous dogs and people, and a couple moving around inside their motorhome. Standing on the bottom stair Victory closed her eyes and blocked out all the familiar sounds around her. She was searching for a sound that was out of place: breathing, movement, anything that would signal impending danger. Then after a minute she turned and retreated back into the motorhome.
    An instant later Tristan blew out the breath he was holding from the minute he saw the door open, and silently moved away from the motorhome. When he was sure that he was far enough away from Victory he reached out for his brother. “Wyatt…Wyatt.”
    “What’s up? Do you know it’s after midnight? What are you still doing up? Don’t tell me that something happened to Victory,” Wyatt said.
    “Yes and no. Did you find out any more information on her?”
    “Not yet, but I’ve got Jack doing some digging to get more information on her current project.”
    “Something’s definitely different about her. It’s like she can hear the minutest sound, like my scenting ability. I was doing some recon when I was joined by Mr. Old Spice.”
    “His name is Jerry James and he works for Biotec, exactly like Jeffery did,” Wyatt said.
    “Really, so Biotec wants Victory.”
    “Looks like, but we aren’t one hundred percent sure yet.”
    “Jerry slithered away as soon as Victory turned her lights on. I think they have been ordered to keep tabs on her for the time being. Probably trying to figure out how much she knows, without alerting her to their presence. Let me know as soon as you find out any more information.”
    Tristan scouted the fairgrounds, keeping an eye out for Jerry and his crew. Two hours later all was still quiet, no sign of anyone in the area. Tristan walked back to his Porsche, started the engine and headed for his hotel. Experience told him that nothing more would be happening tonight. If Jerry meant Victory any harm he was given the perfect time to grab her; of course he would have had to deal with a very large Doberman.


    At the crack of dawn Victory was awakened by blow dryers and barking dogs, as people and dogs got ready for their second day of showing. She rolled over to reach for Dax and realized that he was already gone. She got out of bed, threw on an old pair of jeans and a sweater and headed out to the main salon of the motorhome.
    The aroma of coffee lead her to the half empty pot, a mug, a scone, and a note from her sister. “About time you got up sleepy head. Yes, Dax is with me, along with all the others. I left you Parker, who’s simply along for the ride. As soon as you have some breakfast, head out to ring number five, that’s where my setup will be. I think the dogs could all use adjustments before they show, Payton.”
    As she read the note, Parker got off the sofa and joined her for breakfast. He sat next to her pressing his head into her thigh in hopes for petting and scones. Victory could hear the pleading for both. “I know you want some. Lay down next to me while I have some breakfast, and if you are good, I will save you a bite or two.” Parker eased himself to the floor looking up at her with longing, dark eyes. “I think you will be my first patient of the day, Parker. You are very uncomfortable. Is that hip causing you problems again?” Parker wagged his stubby tail.
    Victory finished her breakfast, making sure she fulfilled her promise to Parker by sharing her scone. Then she set about realigning his hip bone. She ran her hands lightly down his black satin coat, starting at the top of his head and never taking her hands off until she reached the tip of his tail. Noticing a few warm spots, she adjusted his spine. “I think you have a few more trouble spots. Later this afternoon I will pull out my needles and do some acupuncture on you.” Parker answered by licking her face. She

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