Chasing the Lost

Read Chasing the Lost for Free Online

Book: Read Chasing the Lost for Free Online
Authors: Bob Mayer
Tags: thriller, Mystery, War, Mysteries & Thrillers
been a hell of lot better. “Thank you.” He let go of her and stepped back. He realized Sarah was watching them.
    “Erin Brannigan, Sarah Briggs.”
    The two women shook hands warily.
    Erin turned back to Chase. “I’ve got to keep your dog—what’s her name?”
    Erin smiled, all dimples and freckles. “Chelsea. Nice. I’ll have to keep Chelsea here for a couple of days at least, for observation. She’s out right now. Should sleep at least for another six hours. Which also will help keep her from trying to scratch or chew out the stitches.”
    Chase nodded. “Okay.”
    “Is she up-to-date on her shots?”
    “Uh. I don’t know.”
    Erin frowned. “You don’t know?”
    “I got her just two weeks ago, and I’ve been a bit busy in the meanwhile. I think they’re up-to-date.”
    A sly smile crept across Erin’s face. “Horace Chase. Always rescuing the women. Gonna get you in trouble someday.”
    Today’s the day , Horace thought.


Chapter Three
    “I can’t take Sarah back to my place,” Chase said.
    Erin stood in the doorway, keys in hand. She looked from Chase to Sarah, and then back at Chase. “Where are you going?”
    “Back to my place,” Chase said.
    “Sarah can’t go back there, but you can?” Erin asked.
    “Where are you living now?” Chase ignored the question. “Still in the pods?”
    Erin nodded. “My dad passed away two years ago. I got the place, but I put it on the market and just got a solid offer, so looks like I’ll be moving.”
    “I’m sorry,” Chase said, realizing that explained why the old landline number still worked.
    “About my dad, or that I’m still living in the pod village, or that I’m moving?”
    “Your dad, of course.”
    Erin shrugged. “He didn’t like you, that’s for certain.”
    Chase remembered visiting Erin at her dad’s place. Just outside of Harbor Town, someone had bought a parcel of land in deep forest, and erected two-dozen flying saucer-shaped houses on top of two-story pedestals that contained a spiral staircase up to the house. While they might be safe from flooding, they were not the pinnacle of architectural design. They weren’t rentals, mostly owned by locals who worked on the island. It was one of the few relatively ‘inexpensive’ places to live on the island. Erin’s father had disapproved of their relationship, and made no effort to hide it.
    He stepped outside with Sarah, and Erin locked the door behind her. As Chase stepped to the side, he noticed a group of standing objects on the side of the building, hidden in the dark shadows, and his hand started to move for his gun.
    “Easy, cowboy,” Erin said. She walked over to the corner of the building and hit a switch. A spotlight illuminated a life-sized chess set, the pieces spread out over an old parking lot. The squares were painted on the asphalt. The knights were unicorns, the pawns foot soldiers with spears, the castles strangely-shaped keeps, and the bishops were wizards, but the king and queen were a king and queen, although she was slightly taller than the king.
    “Looks like you have a game in progress,” Chase said, admiring the setup. Now he remembered: she’d always had a book with her, something to do with knights and princesses and dragons. Fantasy.
    Erin flipped the light off. “I enjoy it.” She shifted the topic. “So are you asking me to take your friend to my place?” Erin didn’t wait for an answer. “I believe she has a voice, don’t you, Sarah?”
    “I do,” Sarah said. She looked at Chase. “I think I’d be safer with you.”
    Chase shook his head. “I’m going to find out what’s going on. It’ll be easier if I don’t have to worry about you.”
    “I can help,” Sarah said.
    Chase considered the type of help he might need, and Sarah wasn’t it. But it got his mind working.
    “Horace?” Erin prodded, pulling him out of memories. Erin shifted targets. “Why don’t you stay with me, Sarah, while

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