Chaos Burning

Read Chaos Burning for Free Online

Book: Read Chaos Burning for Free Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal
been the situation with her sister. But she didn’t think it was only that. That was an inner, emotional thing and she’d been dealing with it in some part for most of her life. The last year especially had been challenging.
    This was, she thought, the balance being interrupted. Her mother was a hippie. As hippie as they came when you were a witch too. She’d raised both her daughters to be in tune with the magickal balance of things.
    So it was impossible to ignore the pitch and sway in her gut. It had been worse since she’d arrived in Seattle. Things were not right. Not in a magickal sense. Things were jumbled, tattered at the edges. Not quite smooth where they should have been.
    She paused as a monorail train passed on the tracks above her head. Aside from that lone sound, it was quiet in this part of the city. Just a few blocks one way or the other and she’d find people again, but right there, she let herself stop and close her eyes.
    Back home there was so much energy it was often hard to filter all the non-essential data out to just hear the magick. But here it was different.
    Though she was several blocks and up a hill from the water, the scent of salt spiced the air. It was cold, but not brutally so. The sky was clear but for the occasional cloud passing over the moon and wisping away.
    There was a flavor to the magick here. Different than the bite of Los Angeles. L.A. tasted bold. Vibrant. Her magick seemed to leap into her system when she called it. No matter that she could be on a freeway miles from the ocean or mountains, the earth still spoke to her. Los Angeles tasted confident and a little cocky.
    Seattle was richer, like burnt sugar. Seattle was a redhead with a mist of rain like diamonds against her sweater. Lush and sensual. Nature didn’t just speak to her here, it seduced her. Reminded her where her magick came from. The different energies of the Others who populated the area was pronounced. The ambient magick just floating in the air was considerable.
    Lark breathed it in, stretching her arms out at her sides and turning her face to the moon. Small birds had landed in a bush outside a nearby apartment building and they chirped at her. Nosy, small birds, they liked to know just exactly what was going on in their territory.
    “Chill out,” she said and they settled a little. “I’m just taking a look around.”
    There she stood on a sidewalk in the city and she could still easily feel the magick coursing through the earth below. This was her land too. Her territory and it recognized her. The joyof that helped her find her center as she fully opened up her othersight to take in the night all around her.
    Magick had its own aura, created by the Other it had belonged to. All around her the colors of so many different kinds of paranormals seemed to float through the air.
    Shifters. She saw those back in L.A. too. A sizable wolf pack as well as some jaguars and even a few lions. They had magick too. Wild, feral magick that coursed through the earth like fast-moving traffic. Vampires. Here, as in Los Angeles, their energy was cool but strong. Red like blood. Like life. Secrets. They weren’t out either, though Lark knew they were talking about coming out right then as they had their convocation in San Francisco.
    And the occasional hint of something rare—Fae and those who came from the other side of the Veil. The Veil was the wall between this world, the world of Seattle and witches and monorails, and another. Tir na nOg where the Fae lived. Demon realms. Lycia where large, powerful werewolves were the dominant species and ruled their realm via a council of packs.
    She smiled thinking of Simon. She’d known a few werewolves and had believed no male of any species could be more testosterone filled, masculine… and bossy than them. Until she’d met her first Lycian. Simon Leviathan made even the most alpha Weres she’d met look shy and retiring. Only he managed to pull it off with charisma and

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