Can't Stand The Rain

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Book: Read Can't Stand The Rain for Free Online
Authors: Latitta Waggoner
come by here and see if you guys wanted to go grab something to eat together," October offered.
                  Kale rose up from off of Troy's bed. "Hell yeah, I know I do. I'm starving."
                  "You know I would love to join you two, but I have plans," Troy declined the offer.
                  "With whom?" Kale asked with a frown.
                  "What kind of plans?" October asked, all in Troy's business.
                  "With none of your business," Troy stated as he sprayed himself with his cologne and grabbed his keys from off of his dresser.
                  "Oh, so it's like that now? You keeping secrets from us now?" Kale asked with a hint of true disappointment in her words and expression.
                  "I know, Troy. I thought we were better than that," October added.
                  "We are. Trust me. It's still very fresh and I'm not even sure if he is deserving enough to talk about just yet. But in due time, Baby Dolls. But until then, I have to keep this one to myself. I'm out."
    Troy gave Kale and October a kiss on the cheek and quickly made his exit. He had no desire to share any of his most recent private affairs with the two of them. Even though he loved and adored October and Kale to pieces, he was not ready to disclose this piece of information to the two of them. Besides, he was slightly embarrassed by the possible betrayal connected to his new love interest.
    October looked over to Kale as the baffled expression still clung to her face.
    "I can't believe he is seriously not going to tell us about his new boo. You know we gone have to do some digging, right?"
    "We sure are! That sneaky lil fucka know better than to leave us in the dark like that," Kale agreed.
    "Maybe he deserves to have some kind of privacy, but I'm too nosey. I want to know who it is. And you know it must be someone we know, because if it wasn't he wouldn't even care," October declared.
    "I agree. My feelings are slightly hurt. He's acting like he can't trust us enough to tell us. Talking about the guy isn't deserving enough yet. Sounds as if he don't think we're deserving enough of the information. Maybe the guy is ugly as fuck and he is too embarrassed to tell us."
    They both burst out laughing at Kale's theory.
    "What if it's that ugly dude from our Economics class? You know he claims he's straight, but he stays watching Troy. Maybe he finally made his move," October guessed.
    "Nah, I don't think Troy would fuck with his ugly, nerdy looking ass. You know Troy likes men with money. Dude don't look broke, but he don't seem paid either. He is definitely not Troy's type," Kale stated.
    "Yeah, you're right. Whoever this mystery guy is, you know we are going to find out soon. He gone end up telling us. You ready to go?" October asked ready to get some food into her growling stomach.
    "Yeah, girl come on."
    Kale grabbed her phone, purse, and keys and they headed out the door.
    October, Troy, and Kale attended Lamar University together. They met two years ago during freshmen orientation when Troy and October were freshmen. They wound up in the same Business Law class and made an instant connection. Kale later introduced them to her twin sister, Sanayah, and October introduced them all to her best friends Azylae and Denver. Immediately, they bonded and became what they later called themselves The Six Pack.
    Troy threw his head back in bliss. He sank into surrender as his secret lover sucked all the soul out of his dick. His jaws were so tight and his mouth was so wet. Troy was ready to explode.
    "Ahhh, fuck I'm about to nut!" he cried out.
    To his surprise, his lover did not pull back to avoid getting cum in his mouth. Instead, he sucked harder and faster. When Troy tensed up and could not hold out any longer, he released his sweet thickness inside of the guy's mouth and he

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