Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels)

Read Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels) for Free Online

Book: Read Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels) for Free Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
Tags: Erótica

Chapter Four
    Riya came awake with a jerk. She looked around the room, at first finding it unfamiliar. Then it came back to her in a rush as to where she was, especially when she looked at who lay next to her on the bed. Capac was fast asleep, mumbling something in another language she didn’t understand.
    Slowly, as not to awaken him, she slipped out of the bed. They must have fallen asleep after their last bout of heavy petting and oral sex. A quick look at the digital clock that sat on the nightstand next to Capac’s side of the mattress showed it was a couple of hours from dawn. She hadn’t meant to spend the night.
    Riya tiptoed around the room as she gathered up her clothes. She checked once in a while to make sure she wasn’t disturbing Capac. After she was dressed she stopped to stare at him. His long, black hair was spread out over his pillow. His handsome face relaxed in slumber.
    They’d spent an awful lot of the night talking, learning about each other while they watched television, all done in the nude. Riya had to admit this had been one of her best first dates ever. She would walk away from it knowing Capac better than when she’d arrived. Actually, he was the first guy she for once hoped would end up wanting to stay with her permanently.
    Already she felt as if she may have given him a tiny piece of her heart. That did not bode well for her if Capac didn’t feel the same way about her or only wanted to date casually. Riya didn’t know what she’d do if that turned out to be the case.
    Capac shifted on the bed and reached out to the side Riya had slept on. Obviously finding it empty, his eyes snapped open and he surged upright with a quiet, animalistic growl she’d always associate with him since he’d made it so often. Once his gaze landed on her, he seemed to relax.
    “What are you doing out of bed?” he asked, his voice still husky with sleep.
    “I never meant to stay the night. I fell asleep.”
    Capac smiled. “I didn’t mind. I like having you next to me.” He flipped back the covers, giving Riya a good view of his naked hip and thigh. “It’s too early to be up. Take your clothes off and get back in here.”
    She nibbled her bottom lip. “I should really go.”
    “Why? Do you have to be somewhere later this morning?”
    “Then why not stay?”
    “Well, this is our first date. It looks bad if I sleep over.”
    Capac chuckled. “Who says? If you’re worried about what my roommates will think, don’t. They won’t mind.”
    “All right. What if I like it too much?”
    “I don’t understand.”
    She took a deep breath. “What if I want to sleep more than this night in your bed? I could easily get used to it and find myself not able to get a lot of rest in my own because you aren’t there.”
    Capac slipped off the mattress and walked toward Riya. He appeared not to care that he was completely naked. Once he reached her, he cupped her face in his hands. “There is nothing wrong with that. I want it.”
    Riya met his gaze. “Are you saying you want to see me more than casually? You want to have a relationship with me?”
    He smiled, doing delicious things to her body with a simple show of expression. “If you’re asking if I want to be your boyfriend, the answer is yes. I never intended to only see you this one time when I asked you over.”
    Her heart skipped a beat at Capac’s words, but she still had to find out one last thing before she let herself believe she could actually call him hers. “What about all the ‘accidents’ I’ve had where you ended up being in the line of fire? I can’t promise that will be the end of them. I’m what you would call klutzy.”
    Capac chuckled. “I’m a fast healer, so don’t worry about it. You can do a lot of damage to me and I’ll recover easily.”
    “I’ll try not to unman you again.”
    “My balls will thank you, but if it does happen, it does. Now stop worrying and get back into bed. We can

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