big firm downtown?”
    Fina nodded. Tasha Beemis-Jones and Dwayne “D” Jones were one of the city’s African-American power couples. They were exceedingly attractive, smart, and well connected.
    “Are Liz and Tasha especially close? Is that why Liz confided in her?”
    “That, and they were soccer teammates at NEU.” Bobbi picked up the pickle and contemplated it for a moment before placing it back down on her plate.
    “Does Tasha have any cognitive health issues?”
    “Not that I know of.” Bobbi seemed like a decent person, but she must have wondered why her kid was suffering from MCI and someone else’s wasn’t. It was human nature to wonder why you drew the short straw.
    “I should definitely talk to Tasha,” Fina said. “Do you know the best way to reach her?”
    “I might be able to dig up her cell number, but her office is your best bet. I think I have it.”
    “Don’t worry about it. I can find it.”
    “You should try Kelly, also.”
    “Kelly Wegner.”
    “Was she a teammate, too?”
    “Yes. They live a couple of streets from each other now, and their kids are close in age. Liz and Kelly see each other frequently—you know, carpools, birthday parties. They help each other out a lot.”
    It had started to snow. Large flakes floated by the windows, making Fina feel she was trapped in a large, dirty snow globe.
    “Any other friends come to mind?”
    Bobbi thought for a moment. “No. Most of Liz’s time was spent at work or with her family.”
    “Were any of Liz’s teammates going to join the suit?”
    “She hadn’t gotten that far, but she hoped they would.”
    “What about their neighbors?” Fina asked. “Is Liz friendly with any of them?”
    “She and Jamie get along with everyone. People are friendly, but at this time of year, there isn’t much social interaction. Sometimes Liz helped out the elderly woman across the street, Mrs. Barbatto.”
    “And Jamie?” Fina asked. “How are things with the two of them?”
    “Fine, I suppose. As stable as any couple with young children and demanding jobs,” Bobbi said, sipping her soda. “Those are stressful years.”
    “You probably don’t want to contemplate your son-in-law harming your daughter,” Fina ventured, “but the statistics are clear: Most violent crime victims know their attackers.”
    Bobbi looked her in the eye. “Make no mistake where my loyalty lies, Fina. If I find out that he or anyone else I know hurt her, I’ll want Massachusetts to bring back the death penalty.” She pushed her plate away. “But I don’t actually think Jamie would hurt her. He’s not a violent man.”
    “Okay. Did they fight much, or was either of them seeing other people?”
    “Like an affair? I don’t know when they’d find the time,” Bobbi said. “Liz works and is with the kids, and when Jamie isn’t working, he’s playing music.”
    “Right. I read about his band.” Fina tipped back the soda can to get the last drops. “Speaking of Liz’s work, can you tell me what she does exactly?”
    “You’ll have to speak with her boss to get the specifics, but she’s an administrator at a lab at NEU.”
    “Was she a science major?” Fina asked.
    Bobbi nodded. “She considered going into medicine, but decided that the time commitment and the expense were too great. I think it worked out, though. The job at the lab has reasonable hours, and administration suits her; she’s very organized.”
    “Does she like her job?” Fina asked.
    “She does, but it’s stressful. Their funding is always being cut, and the scientists, most of them are type A’s and can be difficult.”
    “Isn’t it awkward? Her suing her employer?”
    “I raised that with her, but Liz thought there was enough distance between the lab and the athletics department that she could compartmentalize her job from the case. She also didn’t feel she had a choice. She was growing desperate.”
    Fina jotted down some notes, and Bobbi glanced at her

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