Boston Boys [01] - A Life Without You
to put my hands around his slim, muscular waist.
    ‘You nervous or something?’ Eric writes in my notebook.
    I stop tapping the pen and shake my head.
    ‘ Coming to the library later? ’ he writes.
    ‘ On a Friday? Seriously? ’ I write back and glance at my friend.
    He reminds me of one of those fantasy elves with skin so white that it’s almost see-through; hair so blonde that it’s almost white; eyes slightly tilting upwards, blue as a clear summer sky; and a fragile build with long, delicate fingers. To top off the elf-look, he wears his hair down to his shoulders. I have no idea if he’s into the whole fantasy thing or if he’s completely unaware of the fact that he looks like an elf. Today he’s wearing a pair of denim hip-huggers and a white t-shirt that says HO-mo in sparkly red letters.
    ‘ Not like we haven’t studied on Fridays before ,’ he replies.
    I shrug. ‘ Got plans with Jesse today ,’ is my answer.
    See, Jesse’s not only taking me to a party tonight, but we’re going to town later to stock up on snacks, drinks, and what every college student needs to survive: instant-cook noodles.
    Shopping with Jesse always has my juices fizzing, because it’s not just shopping. We spend a few dollars on games at the arcade.
    Then we treat ourselves to cinnamon pretzels and sometimes ice cream. I always manage to drag him into a bookshop – it’s easy, 30 Erica Pike
    I just put him in the health and sports section so I can browse through my favorite genres and buy a book if I’m not out of my weekly budget.
    Sometimes, when there’s nothing planned afterwards, we go bowling or see one of those action movies he likes so much with fast cars and big-breasted babes. I don’t like such movies because there’s never any substantial plot, but I do love watching his face as he watches the movie and how he gushes about the scenes afterwards. I like historical films – movies that have plots and emotions – but I never make him watch that with me. Together we enjoy crime movies, where there’s usually plenty of plot and still some action.
    Eric brushes his angelic locks back with a sigh. ‘ Still got that report due on Monday. You finished? ’
    I shake my head. ‘ I’ll do it tomorrow. You done? ’
    Eric writes, ‘ Almost. But you won’t finish until Sunday. ’
    We always go over each other’s work before handing in assignments. It’s a good thing to have a second pair of eyes. I also get to practice my editing. Eric wants to become an editor, too. In fact, I’ve never met a more nit-pickety bastard before.
    ‘ I know, sorry. Is it okay just this once? Please? ’ I throw in a pair of pleading eyes. There’s no way I’d blow off an afternoon with Jesse for an assignment, as much as my studies mean to me.
    Eric rolls his eyes and sits back in his seat, huffing out a breath.
    Eric is gay, too. Although he lives downstairs from us, I didn’t run into him until after I’d lived with Jesse for two weeks, though I’d seen him in class since he’s majoring in English as well. There was no one else in the living room when he dropped down on a couch and started talking to me.
    “So, you’re gay.” He crossed one black-pleathered leg over the other, his blue eyes enhanced by the blue button-down shirt he wore.
    “Yeah, how’d you know?” I asked, focusing back on my book.
    “I see how you drool after your roommate.” A Life Without You 31
    I turned a page. “I didn’t know I was being so obvious.”
    “I wouldn’t say it’s blindingly obvious, more like that it takes one to know one. You know, gaydar.”
    Seriously? Did he just say gaydar?
    “I’m Eric,” he said when I didn’t respond. “I’ve been out two years. You?”
    “I was never in the closet,” I mumbled, thinking that I knew exactly his type. The type who thinks that just because he’s gay and I’m gay, we’ll end up humping.
    But I was wrong. Although Eric pestered me until I agreed to be his study buddy, he

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