
Read BodySnatchers for Free Online

Book: Read BodySnatchers for Free Online
Authors: Myla Jackson
Torsten,” Yuri said, hiding a smile. “She’s not
all too fond of vampires.” He agreed with Torsten that Reggie was lovely with
her eyes open, her naked body glowing pale in the soft lighting.
    “Interesting,” Torsten said. “Some of us aren’t as bad as
others. We don’t all go around raping, killing and draining our victims.”
    Reggie growled and leaped at Yuri. “Move, vampire!”
    Yuri reached out and captured her wrist, knocking it against
his thigh until she dropped the stake. Then he spun her around, thrust her arm
up the middle of her back and pressed it between her shoulder blades. “Now see
what you’ve done, Tor? You made her angry.”
    She dropped the pillow and elbowed him in the side. “Let me
    Yuri doubled over but didn’t release his hold on her arm,
ratcheting it higher up her back. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said between
gritted teeth.
    “Then let me go!” Her foot kicked backward, landing a
glancing blow to his shin.
    “Not until daylight. The streets aren’t safe at this hour.”
He clamped an arm around her middle, pinning her free arm to her side and
pulled her tight against his chest.
    Her naked body squirmed against him. His cock hardened to
steel. “Stop wiggling.”
    “No.” She struggled, her breasts rubbing against the top of
his arm, causing him more consternation than the blow to his shin.
    “How can I talk sense into you when you won’t be still?” he
said, grunting as she jabbed another elbow into his ribs.
    “You’re a vampire. I don’t listen to vampires. I kill them.”
    “Not today, you don’t.”
    “Are you sure you don’t need help?” Torsten asked. “She
seems to be getting the better of you.”
    Just what he needed—a persistent pest to distract him when
he had his hands full. “Get out!” Yuri roared.
    The door slammed none too gently, leaving Yuri and Reggie
alone again.
    Reggie planted her feet on the floor and lurched forward in
an attempt to throw him off balance and over her shoulder.
    But Yuri was ready. He lifted her high into the air and
marched her to the bed, tossing her to the sheets face first.
    Reggie twisted onto her back at the same time Yuri threw
himself across her body, trapping her flailing arms and legs beneath him.
    She fought like a hellcat for several more minutes and then
sagged against him, as if all the wind left her sails.
    “I have to go back out,” she said, her voice sounding
strained and frantic. “Please let go of me.”
    He pulled her arms up over her head and held them pinned to
the bed, as much affected by her quiet plea as her spirited resistance. But he
couldn’t let her go. Not yet. “No.”
    “You don’t understand. I have to go back out.”
    She inhaled and blew the breath out before answering. “It’s
my job.”
    “Your job?”
    “Yes. We were the bait to lure the person responsible for
the disappearances of the women you might have heard about in the papers.
Vampires do read, don’t they?”
    “Not all of us are animals,” he said. Although the animal in
him wanted more than words from this woman. His animal wanted a repeat
performance. “What did you mean ‘bait’?”
    “Bait to draw out the kidnappers.”
    Anger as fiery as a red-hot poker seared through his veins.
“Bait? What fool would send a women out as bait?”
    “Hey, it was my idea, okay?”
    “Then you are a fool.” He frowned down at her. “What are
you—some kind of cop?”
    “We’re with the Paranormal Investigative Agency. We search
out and destroy bad vampires like you.” She practically spat the last word in
his face.
    “That explains a little. But you were alone when we found
you. Where are the other members of your team?”
    “That’s why I have to get back out there. My partner is out
there alone.”
    “I’ll send Torsten out to see if he can find him. What does
he look like?”
    “He’s a she. And why would I tell you what she looks like?
So Blondie there can capture her

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