Black 21: (Golden Hills Legacy of Black 21 Book 1)

Read Black 21: (Golden Hills Legacy of Black 21 Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Black 21: (Golden Hills Legacy of Black 21 Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Nancy Glynn
some of the power, Father. I practice it every day.
I’ll use it if I have to,” Dane threatened and stormed out of the house,
slamming the front door.
    She shuddered.
What power was Dane talking about? The same she had? But she only did silly
little things with hers. What did he do with his?
    Her memories of
visiting her family never bordered on the strange. If she knew before coming
this summer that Dane had true incestuous feelings toward her, there would have
been a change of plans.
    She got dressed
in a hurry and snuck out the front door before her uncle could see her. The
dark, gray sky loomed above her, and she ran to her car, a Lexus RC. Her father
had given it to her with conditions of where to drive it before she graduated.
Now that she graduated, she didn’t care.
    When she pulled
out of the driveway, she could see her uncle in the doorway with a blank
expression. She waved and backed all the way out to the road before screeching
her tires. The speed of her driving kept up with her adrenaline, and she found
the forest preserves at last. She screeched into the parking lot and exhaled,
leaning her head on the steering wheel. She closed her eyes for a moment when a
tapping sound on her window startled her.
    “What did the
wildlife ever do to you?" Christian stood there with concern hidden
beneath a smirk.
    Daisy rolled
down the window but kept her guard up. “You following me now?”
    “I was headed
to meet my father at the diner, and you blew past me. Seem really pissed. You
were driving crazy down King Road, and deer run out there all the time. Not a
good place to speed, you know?”
    "Why do
you care?"
    “Hey, what’s
wrong? Is it that comment I left you with last night? About the ceremony?”
    “Well, that did
kind of freak me out, but no. Not everything involves you, Christian,” she
said, trying to keep the hurt out of her voice.
    “Can I get in?”
    She studied his
face in search for something. A patch of dark clouds formed over them. He
pulled his hood up to the oncoming rain. “Get in,” she motioned to the other
    He slammed the
door after getting in and faced her. Those eyes. She could smell his wood and
spice cologne. His face was freshly shaven.
gonna talk or do I have to bug you to tell me what’s going on?”
    She relented
and shared a little of what was said, but not all. “So what is this power he’s
talking about?”
    Christian sat
there as if trying to figure it out also. “I'm really not sure. Dane has some
power that no one knows about, at least I don’t,” he said with a shrug.
    She didn’t like
how he averted his eyes. Was he telling the truth? Did he really not know
anything? What could she believe? All these questions drove her crazy. Home was
looking wonderful now, even with Gloria there.
    He reached his
hand out and caressed her face, pushing her hair to the back, making her jump
in her seat. “Such pretty hair, Daisy. You’re really beautiful. And I don’t
mean hot beautiful, but the whole, witty,” he whispered. “I
didn’t mean to scare you.”
    She stiffened.
“Look, Christian...I know you’re the wanted guy around here, but I really can’t
give anymore. There’s things you don’t know about me." She pulled his hand
out of her hair.
    “Why are you
shaking? Why are you scared of me?” he asked, withdrawing his hand and pulling
    She saw the
pain in his eyes, pain she’d put there. They barely knew each other, and she
was already hurting him. “I just don’t know what to think anymore. I feel like
I’m losing my mind here – in this town.”
    He shook his
dark head. “There’s something else going on here.”
    “I’m not the
right girl for your birthday ball.”
    “What do you
mean? Of course you are.”
    “There’s things
you don’t know…”
    “You don’t
trust me?”
    The rain let up
and allowed the sun to peek through. She rolled the window down to let some air
in. “It’s not that. I’ll keep

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