Bitter Hearts (A Southern Loving Book 3)

Read Bitter Hearts (A Southern Loving Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Bitter Hearts (A Southern Loving Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Ava Thorn
you,” Kari grinned from ear to ear. “I wanted you to get a full concept of each
you gave me plenty to think about,” she laughed.  
completed the last theme with mystic gold and marble white colors. She was even
implanting draping that flow from the ceiling to floor behind the cribs. The
cribs would be custom made by Hank with the twins’ initials inscribe in the
head board. She would pick out a beautiful orb crystal chandelier that would
hang brightly.
these are the samples I made yesterday,” Kari said, stepping back from the
wall, she allowed the happy couple time to sort out which one they wanted to
pick out. “I will make all the bedding and sitting area furniture in the
Hank?” Farrah said, looking at Austin. “Kari would need to consult with him on
the furniture design.”
called him, he said he would be here after putting Lightning up in the
stables,” Austin said, as he studied the western baby nursery. “Sugar, I think
we should do the Western theme in Dallas.”
what I was thinking,” Farrah said, as she touched the last theme.
read an article that said draping the walls helps with keeping the noise out
the room,” Kari explained, as she heard heavy boots on the hardwood floor. She
turned around and her eyes connected with a pair of grey eyes.  Hank Jackson
stood there wearing a red tank top shirt and black jeans. She glanced over the
shiny gold belt buckled in front of his pants.
here,” Hank mumbled, walking into the room and right pass Kari without anything
as a simple hello.
Austin and I agreed to go with the western brown and red room for the nursery
in Dallas and the draping theme for the room here,” Farrah said.
Kari clasped her hands together. “I’ll have the décor picked out and the
customized cribs, chairs, table, dresser, and bedding ready by the time you
what do you think about creating the cribs and the availability?” Austin said
looking back at his cousin amusingly
scoffed and looked at Kari and back at Austin. “Yeah it can be done.”
just want to say that the cribs here will be circular,” Kari interjected.
looked at her for instant, unblinking, his grey eyes bored into her. “That will
not be a problem,” he said through clench teeth.
that’s settled,” Kari said, appearing unbothered by Hank’s rude demeanor.
have rules,” Hank said, holding his black cowboy hat.
we should go to allow you guys to discuss working together,” Austin said, as
his gaze flicker back and forth between Kari and Hank.
busied herself with making plans on her iPad. “When will be a great time to
venture out to Dallas for me to get a look at the room?”
and Austin were nearly out the room’s door when they turn back around and look
at her. “Austin and I will be headed on a tour, but Hank can accompany you to
Texas, since he headed there in three weeks,” Farrah said, turning to look at
her husband. “I can actually meet up with you when the tour heads to Arizona.”
thought of going to Texas with Hank of all people repulsed Kari. She wasn’t
going to mention her displeasure of traveling with the man who was responsible
for the furniture in the nurseries. “You don’t have to put yourself out like
that, I can travel to Dallas with Hank,” she said.
great.” Farrah went over to Kari and hugged her quickly before being ushered
out the room by Austin.
didn’t tell you I’m driving back to Dallas,” Hank mumbled, walking over to the
wall to observe the sketches. 
doesn’t bother me,” Kari shrugged, as she made notes to order the colors for
the bedding for each nursery and the wood panels for the nursery wall in
a nine hour drive,” he informed her.
don’t have to ride with you, last time I

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