Between HeVan and Hell

Read Between HeVan and Hell for Free Online

Book: Read Between HeVan and Hell for Free Online
Authors: Lucy Kelly
Tags: menage
not all men were like her brute of an
ex-husband and these men in particular were very nice to
    It was
strange , she thought , that so many of the people who treated her well were aliens
from another planet or like her and descended from them.
    “Arjun,” said Heidi, “I think what
you’re doing is wonderful. I know that I would want to be married
in front of those closest to me. I think it means more when the
people who are important to you witness your promises to each
other. I don’t know why other people get divorced, but if I’d
stayed in my marriage, I’d probably be dead by now.”
    “Heidi, you are a brave and
resourceful woman. I look forward to the day when the shy bud
you’ve become blossoms into the strong self-assured woman you have
it in you to be,” said Jalen. Then he stood up and excused himself
to go and pack his things and wake up his brothers.
    Arjun looked over at Heidi.
“Heidi, do you have any questions about the Nephilim or your
male Joins ?”
asked Arjun.
    “Addie said it takes about a week to
get to your Space Station?” she asked.
    At Arjun’s nod, she continued, “I
think I’d like to go there to meet Gaius and Gael. Will I be able
to take some time to get to know them before we get married? I’m
not sure I’m ready for that.”
    “I won’t ever lie to you,
Heidi. The trip from our home world took almost two hundred years.
I’m not sure of their ages, but they’ve been without a woman for at
least two hundred years. Do you understand what I mean?” he asked.
At her blush and nod, he went on, “When they first meet you, they
will recognize you for their perfect match. They can tell because
their Joining wings will begin to emerge.”
    “You have wings?” she asked wide-eyed,
reaching out to rest her hands on the dogs’ heads on her
    “Our backs begin to itch as the wings
approach the surface. The wings are in three parts, and from what
I’ve seen of the wildlife of this planet the best way to describe
them is a cross between the wings of a bird and that of a
butterfly. They are thin and filmy, the feathers so small that they
can’t be discerned as such until you get close. Each wing-set comes
in colors and each color represents a bloodline or lineage. The top
wings represent our parents’ lineages; the middle represents our
grandparents; and the lower wings, our great-grandparents and
another three generations,” he said
    “If they’re thin like butterfly wings,
how do they hold you up?” Suzanna interrupted because she always
liked to know things.
    “I’m not sure, they are
also quite strong, underneath the feathers is not skin precisely,
not like what you have on your body but a strong clear film-like
skin over fine hollow bones. The gravity of HeVan is very slightly
lighter than here so we may have more trouble gaining flight in
your atmosphere. For Addie, we flew in the Arboretum,” he said,
“I’m sorry, I can’t explain it better than that, you will have your
own Ankida’s wings to examine. As after the flight they are sloughed off,
and the custom is to hang them in your home.”
    “Thank you for explaining,” said
Suzanna. “Go on, I’m as interested as Heidi to find out the rest.
Just let me grab another cup of coffee. Would either of you like
another cup?” At Heidi’s nod, she offered to bring in the pot. She
walked into the kitchen and came back right away with the coffee
    “Go ahead, Arjun, what happens next?”
she said as she took a sip and Heidi added cream and
    “Once the wings emerge and
dry, we have an uncontrollable urge to fly for our female. Rather
like a peacock flashing his feathers, you could say,” he said with
a smile. “When the wings emerge, they are coated in a chemical that
increases arousal in the female Join , the beating of our wings
pushes it into the air and the movement of our flight swirls it
around her. If she were not our true Join , the chemical would not affect
    “If you are

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