Beta’s Challenge
much easier if the pack had just tried to understand. No one would even try. Everyone just looked at it as barbaric. No female would have had to experience mistreatment if only she gave willingly. What if I had left the old laws in place and your chosen Primale was unable to give you young?” Mikal inquired of Sasha.
    “I would have loved him the same and helped the other pack females rear their young. That is what pack does, Mikal,” Sasha said, not trying to hide the venom in her words.
    “Bullshit. You would feel less of a female and the pack would have shunned you. No one ever thinks the male is at fault in such matters. It is always the female and I would not have put you through that,” Mikal roared in response to Sasha’s words.
    “That would be my shame to bear, not yours. Your only fear is that you would not have been my chosen Primale and there would have been nothing you could have done about it,” Sasha said and turned her head, dismissing him as much as she could with him lying atop her.
    “Not true, my Sasha. I would have had your Primale killed then claimed you as my own. No pack member would have disagreed,” Mikal stated as casually as if her were talking about the weather.
    “Then you would have had to keep me shackled to the bed as you do now and my lifeless, soulless body would have been your only consort. You can use my body forever, but you will never again have my heart, Mikal. And the really sad part of all this is at one time, I would have literally killed to be your Prima and stand at your side,” Sasha said with all the finality she could muster.
    “Fine, Sasha. If that’s the way it must be,” Mikal roared as he pulled out of her body, dressed, and stormed out the door slamming it behind him.
    Marcus and Vonn, two of Mikal’s officers, jumped up as Mikal stormed into the living room of the alpha house.
    “Would you like us to take her back to the pack now?” Vonn asked in a voice just above a whisper.
    “NO!” Mikal roared. “She is not to be released until her heat is over. Any young she births will be mine. No other is to touch her. IS THAT CLEAR ?” Mikal said in a tone that brooked no argument.
    Vonn and Marcus looked at each other and took a step back.
    “Mikal, wouldn’t that cause unrest among the pack?” Marcus tentatively asked.
    “I am the alpha of this pack. I am the absolute law. If any wishes to challenge me, he may step forward.” Mikal paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching his hands into fists. He was pissed; more so at himself for turning Sasha against him than at anything else.
    How could he win her heart? He didn’t want a lifeless body in his bed. He wanted passionate nights and words of love and loyalty. He now knew that any hope he had of having this with Sasha was no more and that pissed him off even more.
    Both Vonn and Marcus fell to one knee, presenting their throats as a show of complete respect and loyalty.
    “Good,” Mikal barked as he walked around his desk. Just as he sat down, the phone rang. “What?”
    “Mikal? We have found them,” Valeen said into the other end of the line.
    Mikal listened to everything Valeen said, writing down the necessary information. “Well done, Val. Well done.”
    Mikal hung up. Feeling a little better with the news he’d just received, Mikal decided he didn’t need Sasha’s passion or her words of love. He just needed to get a nutt and an heir and she would provide both.
    “Vonn,” Mikal said, “go to the meeting room and gather the camcorder and other equipment. Make sure the batteries are fully charged.  We have a movie to film.”
    “Yes, Mikal.” Vonn left to room to do as told.
    Smiling from ear-to-ear, and chuckling to himself, Mikal walked back into his bedroom. The thought of finally exacting revenge on the one person he felt deserved it more than any other being on earth had his dick suddenly hard as steel.
    Closing the door, he started undressing as he walked toward the bed.

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