Bellissimo Lotta (Beautiful Struggle): Companion Novel to Bellissimo Fortuna (The Family Trilogy Book 2)

Read Bellissimo Lotta (Beautiful Struggle): Companion Novel to Bellissimo Fortuna (The Family Trilogy Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Bellissimo Lotta (Beautiful Struggle): Companion Novel to Bellissimo Fortuna (The Family Trilogy Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Leigh Ann Lunsford
Tags: General Fiction
chance to be alone, after dark with any boy, Dakota included, but that didn’t hold true any longer.
    I finally may get the freedom I crave, but I can’t help feeling a little lost in these new circumstances. Callie is upset and elated at the same time; any hope of a relationship with her dad was pretty much crushed, yet at the same time she got the boy who has held her heart for the last decade. She announced at six she was going to marry him, he reacted by rescuing her from the bathroom when she locked herself in there, pronounced to her that she would be the most beautiful bride, and couldn’t wait to see her at the end of the aisle. That sealed their fate. I may be a bitch for wondering what my role or place will be in their changing world, but I can’t control my thoughts.
    She would do anything for my brother, and I couldn’t be happier for them, but I still don’t get it. How do you know that you want to spend your life with just one person? And at such a young age? I like Dakota, am attracted to him, but I just don’t believe in love. I’ve seen my parents happily married for over twenty years, but I see the sacrifices they make for one another, the concessions for the other person, and I’m too selfish for that. Truth is, it terrifies me. I can’t fathom how one person can be so dependent on another for their happiness, their security. I’ve lived my entire life being sheltered, watched over, and protected. I don’t want security, I don’t want forever; I want in the moment, I want recklessness; I want to make mistakes and learn from them. Instead of the lessons being told to me, I want to experience them.
    Callie begins stirring next to me. Her eyes open, her smile follows, and I see the contentment in her face. Her demeanor screams peace. She deserves it.
    “Good morning, Princess.” I throw my pillow at her. “Surprised the big bad wolf didn’t keep you in his den all night.”
    She giggles, and I feel it in my heart. I love her, and seeing her happy eases most of my doubts. “Please tell me I didn’t dream yesterday.”
    “It was real. You’re claimed, and now we’ll be sisters.”
    “Weren’t we already?”
    “Yes, but now it will be official. How are you with everything?”
    “Overwhelmed. Please don’t tell your brother, I don’t want him to worry, or think I’m questioning our relationship. I just feel like so much happened in a short amount of time.”
    “It did. And Callie, I’m still your best friend. You can tell me anything.”
    “I know. I’m scared.”
    “Of what?”
    “Our dynamic changing. We’ve been us for as long as I can remember. Bronson’s had his place, but now things are going to change.”
    “Not all change is bad.”
    “You aren’t worried?”
    “Nope,” I lie. I won’t take this from her or cause her any more concern. “We will always be us, best friends. Sisters. We will have our secrets, our friend time, but you need to embrace this. You’ve waited your entire life for him, and your dreams are coming true.”
    Tears shimmer in her eyes. “I know. And to think it was all catapulted by my father. I guess I can’t say he never gave me anything.”
    “Don’t joke about that Callie. It’s okay to be hurt and upset about that. He is your dad.”
    “I guess.”
    “Your brother has strong opinions on the subject. He thinks I shouldn’t waste any emotion, unless it’s pure hatred, on my dad, but I’m not wired like that. He’s vile, he’s a dick, he’s mean . . .”
    “But he’s still your dad. I don’t get it, but I get you. Your heart is too big for your own good. Don’t hide your feelings from him; don’t make the mistake of starting your relationship with a lie. Either agree to disagree, not discuss it, or talk to me. Don’t discount your feelings. I’ll always listen.”
    “I love you, Binks. What’s up with you?” She is studying my face, trying to get a read on my emotions. I gave her that speech about fathers,

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