Becoming Lady Lockwood
may, Mr. Fletcher, as soldiers, it is our duty to follow orders.”
    Sidney began to pace. He ducked his head to avoid a hanging lantern and stopped at the table, studying the map for a moment before jabbing his finger at the area in question. “This course comes at the end of our voyage, when we are most vulnerable. Not to mention the unpredictability of the seas this time of year. We could hardly find a more dangerous situation if we sought it. I suspect for whatever reason, we’re being unwittingly played as a decoy.”
    “You believe we are being sent to our doom by our government? That the Lords of Admiralty intend to sacrifice the lives of nearly eight hundred men and an expensive warship?”
    “I’m saying it doesn’t sit right with me. The orders are—”
    William’s voice was a growl as he cut off what Sidney was going to say. He stepped closer. “I suggest, Mr. Fletcher, that you lower your voice lest we both find ourselves accused of insubordination or even treason.”
    “Aye, aye, Captain.” Sidney forced his eyes away from the map and, letting out a deep breath, schooled his features into his characteristic jovial expression. His lips curled in a smirk. “I wouldn’t want anything to prevent your lordship from assuming your position as the earl. It would be a pity for the House of Lords session to commence without Lord Lockwood in attendance.”
    William let out a groan and rubbed his eyes. “You know I have no aspirations to such a thing. I would much rather be fighting a losing battle with the French than sitting in Parliament.”
    Sidney placed his hand on William’s shoulder, and his eyes sparked with mischief. “I have a feeling, sir, that notwithstanding the French, your final voyage as captain of the HMS Venture will indeed be memorable. Why, a lovely young lady and a certain pair of boots have already made it most unforgettable.”
    “Why must you bring up that woman?” William scowled and walked to the window. “Miss Becket is insolent and stubborn, to say the least. You saw how she defied my order to retire to her berth, even when she was so ill that she could barely stand.”
    “Yes, she is stubborn. But you must know that a woman responds more favorably to a polite suggestion than a direct order.”
    “I am the captain, and as long as she is aboard my ship, I expect her to follow orders.”
    Sidney had the audacity to laugh. “Captain, you are in for a long, miserable voyage if you cannot understand how to behave toward a woman.”
    “I know how to behave toward a woman.”
    “Threatening to kidnap her if she refuses to sail with you, then once she’s aboard your ship, telling her she looks sickly and demanding that she get to her quarters? This is not the way to a lady’s heart, sir.” William could tell Sidney was jesting, but there was an undercurrent of truth in the subtle reprimand, which served only to make William more defensive.
    “I’m not interested in Miss Becket’s heart. I only want her to remain as far away from me and my boots as possible until we are in London and I am able to discredit her claim to my brother’s jointure.”
    Sidney raised his eyebrows, surprised. “You must realize how difficult this is for her. She has left a home she loves, a veritable paradise.” He picked up a mango from a bowl of fruit on the sideboard and held it out toward William for emphasis. “She has never been to sea before. She does not know what will happen when she reaches London. Her future is unpredictable, and to make matters worse, she is at the moment lying on a pallet on her cabin floor, since the doctor deemed her too ill to even rest comfortably in her hammock.”
    William felt a twinge of guilt that he didn’t like one bit. Just because he entertained unpleasant feelings toward the woman was no reason not to treat her well while she was under his care. She wouldn’t be able to hold it over him or claim that he had not acted like a perfect gentleman when they

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