Awakening Abduction

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Book: Read Awakening Abduction for Free Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
grew incrementally more insistent. He couldn’t put off the inevitable much longer. This little wolf was his. Eventually they would have to find a hotel and stop, get some rest. At least for a few hours. When that happened, could he keep his hands to himself, buy her another day, another night, before he took her? Seemed unlikely.
    Did she even know she was a wolf? The question lingered, but he still had no idea what she knew of their kind. What had her mother told her over the years? Sounded like nothing. She could get away with that. Unlike the males of their species, who began to shift during puberty and started running with the adults of the pack soon after, a female of their kind wouldn’t experience a change until after she mated.
    Hannah’s mother would have known these details and could have kept the information from her indefinitely if she chose.
    James shivered to think he would have to be the one to educate Hannah in about nineteen different ways in such a short time. His mind warred between feeling the nervousness of such a responsibility and the pride at being given the opportunity to provide such an important influx of knowledge to his mate.
    With his chest pumped up just a little, he once again inhaled the spicy, fresh scent—all Hannah. James allowed a few deep breaths so he could wallow in his own ability to identify everything about her.
    Even in a light slumber, her pheromones heightened, a steady need to be taken by him. Her essence made him adjust his crotch. With each shallow breath he caught a whiff of the mint she’d eaten after their makeshift breakfast in the car. The aroma of the perfume she’d probably applied more than twenty-four hours ago lingered in the air. He liked the soft floral smell; it wasn’t overpowering. But he secretly hoped to convince her to quit wearing perfume at all. He didn’t like the idea of her masking her own sweet fragrance.
    A long exhalation brought his attention back to her face for a quick glance. Her eyes had fluttered open. She smiled at him slightly and it lit up his insides.
    “What the hell is going on?”
    Oh shit . Her question was loaded like a grenade. He’d no idea how to respond. “What do you mean?” Sure, throw the ball back in her court. Wuss .
    “I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I do know you have more information than you’ve shared. There is something between you and I that seems…familiar. As though we’ve known each other our entire lives. And I’m not just talking about some brief encounter when I was five.”
    “Yes, I agree.”
    “Seriously? That’s your answer? You agree?”
    He couldn’t keep from smiling. At least she wasn’t oblivious, or even extremely shy about their connection. It might make things easier on him…later.
    “We…will talk. Later. When we stop for the night.”
    Her challenge turned his grin into a hearty laugh and he couldn’t keep from reaching for her hand, even though the contact was probably a bad idea.
    “Scout’s honor. I want to be able to look into your gorgeous eyes while we talk. Promise.”
    Hannah actually snorted at him. “Right, you’re some Boy Scout, all right.”
    Lucky for him, she didn’t continue to press the issue. Hannah turned her gaze toward the passenger window and stared out at the passing scenery for most of the day. Sometimes she dozed for a while. Other times she fiddled with the dials on the radio, trying to get reception as they entered a new city. Even when they stopped for lunch, she didn’t mumble more than a few words. He hated her stance, somewhat resigned, defeated. Or maybe she was just pissed and biding her time. He couldn’t be sure.
    In the late afternoon, the silence broke. Her phone, still in the cup holder between them, produced the shrill sound he recognized as her mother’s. Without asking permission, he picked up the call himself this time.
    “Hello, Mrs. Stone. James here.”
    “Thank God.

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