Assassin's Mate (Supernaturally Shipwrecked Book 1)

Read Assassin's Mate (Supernaturally Shipwrecked Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Assassin's Mate (Supernaturally Shipwrecked Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jami Brumfield
    “No, but it’s our only option. I won’t have this man terrorizing or hurting anyone else I care about.” Silver wiped the corner of her eyes to keep the tears from falling.
    Zoe hugged her tightly. “It will all work out.” She promised. She pulled away and straightened her emerald green sheath dress and flowered hair wreath. “I’m going to get father.”
    Silver nodded, afraid her voice would give away the emotions she was feeling then turned back to the reflection in the mirror. If things had been different she could’ve been walking down the aisle to her mate. Maybe that man was Brock, but she’d never know now, thanks to her bastard fiancé. He had so much to pay for. Killing him was almost a mercy. If she let karma get her hands on the man, he’d suffer far worse than death.
    She lifted her the skirt of her dress slowly up her thigh. The silver dagger sheathed in white gold was safe and secure, and would be her weapon of choice. The man would feel as much pain as she could deliver to him before she plunged the poisoned dagger into his heart.
    Her mother knocked softly on the door. “Sweetheart, are you decent?”
    Silver dropped her skirt and made a quick check in the mirror before she opened the door. Wedding dresses were big and bulky and made it easy to hide weapons. There wasn’t even the slightest outline of the dagger on her thigh.
    Her mother stood at the threshold, pride beaming from her face. “You look beautiful,” she gushed as she embraced her daughter. Silver held on tight to her mother’s love. It was quite possible when she killed Joshua she’d be killed for her crime. “I have something for you.”
    Silver moved aside and allowed her mother into the room. Clara spun around and opened a tiny jewelry box. Inside was a golden amulet molded in the shape of the family crest adorned with emeralds, her favorite gemstone. “It’s beautiful, mother.”
    Clara slipped the chain around her daughter’s neck and smiled. “It will protect you.”
    “Thank you.” She hugged her again.
    “We know what you are doing for us.” Clara shook her head as tears flowed down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you.”
    “It’s okay, mother. I promise. All will be fine.”
    Clara swiped away the tears. “I just wish you didn’t have to be near that… that monster ever again.”
    Silver took Clara’s face in her hands. “Mom, it’s going to be okay. He will pay for everything he’s done.”
    Clara tilted her head and examined her daughter. “I’ve known you all your life, Silver, and I know when you’re plotting something. What are you planning?”
    “It doesn’t matter. You look stunning in your dress, mother.” Silver turned toward the mirror just as another knock came on the door. “Come in.”
    Edward and Felix, dressed handsomely in tuxedos, entered followed by Zoe who carried two bouquets of green and pink flowers. Her family looked amazing. It was a pity they looked the perfect supportive unit for such a horrific farce.
    “I’m ready.” Silver smiled tightly.
    “You still have time to walk away, princess.” Her father looked like he’d aged twenty years this last week. His dark hair greying, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening. His body weight was thinning. Seeing him waste away in such a short time over her was heartbreaking.
    “No, father. I will marry him.” She stated this with resolve.
    Anastacia poked her head into the room. “It’s time.”
    The exotic-looking woman made Silver’s skin crawl. She couldn’t wait to scratch her brown eyes out and pull every strand of the skinny bitch’s black hair out, strand by strand. “Thank you, Stacia. Let’s go, father.”
    Time seemed to move in slow motion as they made it down the stairs and out the back door to the flower encased archway where her soon to be husband stood in his own tuxedo. The music started playing on cue and her father started them down the flower petal-littered aisle.

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