Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane)

Read Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) for Free Online

Book: Read Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) for Free Online
Authors: Eva Gordon
Tags: Paranormal
causing a pack war.
    “Nice to know. Besides, you can’t categorize all humans with werewolf hunters.”
    “True. Though after we’re done here, I plan to find Jaeger and add his scalp to my werewolf hunter collection.”
    “I wouldn’t bother, he might already be infected.”
    “This is Vince Jaeger we’re talking about. The guy with three hundred wolf pelts. He’s not going to let it go that I killed his daddy.” He was the son of Justin Jaeger, the hunter who killed his immediate family and almost killed Sierra four years ago. Dirk killed Justin Jaeger in justified revenge, but the act placed Dirk on Jaeger Jr.’s top wanted werewolf list.
    She sighed. “Oh Dirk, can’t you let it go? Help us find humans who can help us build back society. Besides, Jaeger has probably given up hunting us to kill zombies.”
    Had marriage to a human made her soft? He frowned. “Last I heard he recruited thirty new ex-military hunters.”
    “My point exactly. Let Maddox hunt them. That is, if the zombies haven’t already had Jaeger for dinner.”
    “Please, what about my ego? You really don’t want the pussy Hound of God to beat my record.” Maddox came a close second as the most successful hunter of the Kindred. He’d just moved from England to the United States and if not for his religious fanaticism, he and Dirk would’ve made an excellent hunting team.
    She wrinkled her brow. “Just be careful.”
    “Will do. Once I eliminate him, I promise to help find human survivors. Which reminds me, can you and Ethan watch Fang for a few weeks?”
    “Sure, but who’s going to watch your ass?”
    He laughed. His gaze fell on Marla, returning from her car. The werewolf beta waved and approached. They’d had an on and off again sexual relationship. “I thought she joined the Canadian pack?”
    “She did for a month but then returned. She’s hot and into you, what’s wrong with that?”
    “I don’t feel the mate thing. She deserves somebody who can commit to her.” His cock didn’t give a damn. It bulged against his jeans at the thought of her big tits.
    Marla caught up with them. Her scent aroused him to the point of pain. He’d slept with many gorgeous werewolves and plenty of sexy human women but didn’t want to settle down. Ever. Talon insisted he find a mate, but why the big hurry? The drama was just not worth it.
    “So how long are you back?”
    He avoided staring at her ample cleavage. “I leave at dawn.”
    She growled but then smiled. “If you want to come to my den for drinks, I can turn on the hot tub.” She turned to his sister. “You and Ethan are welcome as well.”
    Sierra lowered her voice. “Actually, after the packs leave, I plan to formally announce that Ethan and I are expecting.”
    Marla smiled. “Awesome. How far along?”
    “Only six weeks,” said Sierra.
    Dirk dropped his jaw. “What? After three years you guys are… I thought humans and our kind…”
    “Relax. Phoenix thinks Ethan has shifter or even witch blood.”
    “Has he shown powers besides seducing my sister?”
    Sierra shot Dirk a pointed stare. “No, most males don’t. Only females. Actually it’s the mating of an alpha male with a female witch that would create a wizard.”
    “That is forbidden by the wolf packs.” Dirk remembered childhood stories of the dragon wizards. Half wolf half-magical dragon that had enslaved shifters.
    Sierra bit her lower lip. “That stupid law is archaic and dates back to the early Renaissance.”
    Marla chuckled. “Could you imagine the fanatical Benandanti’s reaction to a werewolf with the power of sorcery?”
    Sierra smiled. “The Hounds of God’s ultimate nightmare.” She pressed her hand over her stomach as if protecting her unborn child and gaining strength from its very existence. “Still, if our baby is a girl, it’s possible she could inherit the witch gene.”
    Was Sierra feeling faint? Dirk’s protective nature went on overdrive and he seized her arm, just in case.

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