Ann H

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Book: Read Ann H for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
    “What does she say?”
    “I mentioned it to her…” He went back over
the sofa and sat down with a deep, tired sigh. “She acted like it interested
her. I plan on talking to her about it more when she wakes up.”
    “If she is fine with it, then I’ll do this
for you… once.”
    Reed met Brent’s gaze. “Thank you.”
    “Just don’t ask me again. I don’t like the
idea of having sex with your mate.”
    “Unless we get caught in another red full
moon, I have no intention of asking you do this again. Trust me.”
    Reed smiled as did Brent. “Now that is
done with, what happened?”
    It seemed it was Brent’s turn to look and
act uncomfortable. “I don’t know who, but someone in our world is selling us
out to that bitch. He gets paid by the size of our package. Guess he got a nice
check thanks to my dick.”
    Reed shook his head. “We need to figure
out who and stop him.”
    “Well that’s going to be hard since it
could be full blood or half blood. Hell it could even be a female for all we
    “But this person knows about us?”
    “Yeah, and that bitch only wants shifter
    “Not completely sure, but she did say
something about looking for a birthday present for her daughter.”
    “Guess the bitch has kids.”
    “Yeah, well, I wasn’t what she was looking
for. She turned me down for that and told the guys to send me to the auction
block. Then you came and the shit got blown up.”
    “So they auction us off,” Reed nodded.
“Use us for sex until our use is no more.”
    “Seems so.”
    “And you witnessed it all.” Reed looked at
Brent. “Kind of makes you a wanted man, if you ask me.”
    “You think they’re going to come looking
for me?”
    “They could.”
    Brent took a deep breath, let it out
slowly, and rubbed the back of his neck. “If they know anything about us then
they’ll know this is our weak time. We need to keep moving.”
    “Can’t now. The red moon is fucking with
us big time and don’t stand there telling me you don’t feel it or smell her.”
    “So what’s your big plan then?”
    Reed took a deep breath and thought about
that. What was his great plan? Did he really have one? Nope. “No clue.”
    “Thought so.”
    Taking another deep breath, Reed stood
back up. “We might need help here.”
    “Who you going to call?” Brent now sounded
annoyed and looked it with his arms out to the side.
    “I know people.”
    “You know people,” Brent nodded. “Yeah,
well who the hell is going to want to help us and who the hell can we trust?”
    “Brent we don’t have a choice here,” Reed
sighed. “You were taken to be sold as a sex slave and someone in our world is
selling us all out. We need help here.”
    Brent rubbed his face quickly, pushed away
from the counter, and turned his back on Reed, head down. “He’s nuts, if it’s
whom I think you’re thinking about.”
    “He’s not nuts, only say, um deadly.”
    Brent snickered. “Crazy is more like it.”
    “He’s the muscle we need.”
    Brent nodded, and turned his head towards
the window. Even during the day, you could see the moon and the red tint in it.
“We don’t have much time here. After tonight the moon will be full and you need
to find him.”
    “Oh I think I know someone who can find
him without any trouble.”
    Brent turned back around. “They still
    “Brandon is his only friend.” Reed stood
back up and stretched. “Or at least the only one he’s civil to. Besides,Brandon owes me a favor.”
    “I think too many people owe you too many
    Reed smiled. “Yep and now so do you,
little brother.”
    Reed left the cabin, but didn’t go back to
his right away. He walked around to the back, brought out his cell, and dialed
the number. He waited as it connected then rang.
    “So do I get to repay my debt?” Brandon
Michael said once the phone connected.
    Reed smiled. “Yeah I’m calling it

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