Angels In Red

Read Angels In Red for Free Online

Book: Read Angels In Red for Free Online
Authors: Adelle Laudan
tentatively sipping from the side of her mug, and closed her eyes. “Mm, mm, good. My guess is, Earl Gray.”
    The room fell silent, aside for the crackling fire as she appeared to enjoy the tea.
    “So, what do you do for excitement out here in the boonies?” Jenna put her cup down and settled back against her pillow. “I mean, don’t you ever get bored?”
    “Actually I don’t. I have an extensive collection of books in my room, and of course, these two are great company.”
    The dog’s ears twitched as they raised their heads, looking back and forth between them.
    She chuckled. “I think they actually know you’re talking about them.”
    Jack shrugged. “I guess since we’re in each other’s company pretty much 24/7 we’ve grown in tune to each other.” He rubbed the tops of both dogs’ heads in turn while their tails thumped against the hardwood.
    “Impressive.” Jenna shifted and cringed at the pain shooting up her arm from putting weight on her hand.
    Jack kneeled beside her. “Are you okay? Can I get you something more for pain?” He pushed back a few wayward curls from her face.
    The gesture sent chills up her spine. She shook her head, and shivered.
    “Are you cold?” He made a move to stand and she grabbed his hand.
    “No, I’m fine, really,” she replied, stifling a yawn.
    “Maybe you should close your eyes and rest.”
    She held his face in her hands and gazed deeply into his expressive blue eyes. “Thank you for saving my life.” Completely on impulse she kissed him. A sweet kiss, of which she would’ve gladly continued if encouraged. His sudden silence made her uncomfortable and she pulled away. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
    Jack kept his head lowered. She wanted to be anyplace else but here. Utterly humiliated by her forward advance, she blinked back the threat of tears.
    His hand touched her arm, and she found him staring her in the eyes with such intense emotion it robbed her of breath.
    “Please don’t be sorry. I’ve wanted to do that since you opened your eyes.” He moved to his knees and gathered her in his arms. “Let’s take things slowly. You still have a ways to go in your recovery. Your health comes first.” He pulled away and put a finger under her chin, tilting her face up so she’d look at him. “If you ever feel the need to kiss me again, I won’t stand in your way.”
    Her cheeks grew warm, and she inwardly cursed the color of red she knew her face must be. “Thank you. You really are a special man. I’m not glad I went over the side of the mountain, but I am more than glad to have met you.”
    Jack pressed his warm lips to her forehead, lingering longer than she expected.
    “I’m going to get you a couple of pain pills. I want you to try and have a sleep.” He eased her back against the pillow and smiled. “I’ll be right back.”
    Jack hurried to the kitchen area, welcoming the timely diversion to compose himself against the unexpected thrill in knowing the attraction was mutual. He reached for a pill bottle on a shelf above the stove when his hand knocked over Jenna’s book he’d set up there to dry.
    Shit! I forgot all about this.
    He shook out two painkillers from the bottle and then took down the journal.
    “Hey, Jenna, I forgot to tell you…” He crouched to pass her the book. “This was under you in the snow.”
    Her head popped up off the pillow, and as her eyes sprung open, she clenched her chest. She took the leather bound journal from him with shaky hands. He didn’t begin to understand the depth of emotion welling up in her eyes as she turned the book over in her hands.
    “I’m sorry. I completely forgot with all that was going on. I take it’s important to you?”
    Jenna let out a breathy shudder. “Words aren’t enough to thank you for this.”
    Jack passed her the pills and glass of water. “Here, take these first.”
    Despite how curious he was about the origins of the book, he had

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