
Read Angelique for Free Online

Book: Read Angelique for Free Online
Authors: Carl Leckey
all you will see is spuds. I’m not that daft you know, this is a big investment for me it will help pay for the setting up of the garage.” Tactfully changing the subject Peter explains further. “Of course Billy will have to find a regular driver if this deal works out. I have some other personal business to discuss with Henrik. That is why I volunteered to go on the trip. Ha! The truth is I like driving and jumped at the opportunity to be master of the open road without a care in the world.” He adds with a smile. “Or so you professional drivers lead me to believe.”
    “Oh by the way Billy where is our Louise?” I enquire. Billy looks a little concerned when he explains. “We have already said our goodbyes. She has gone for a walk with Daisy. Tell you what Scouse, go and have a word with her will you? We have been up half the night talking things through. I know she is worried to death about all this commitment she is making to the chateau and the villagers. We already had our future lives planned out until we had this lot dropped on us.”
    I give Billy assurances. “I will certainly have a talk with Louise when I catch up with her I realise it’s a big commitment sprung on her and you Bill. But believe me she won’t be alone. We shall get the best experts in to assist her. You can take my word for that. We can’t have our Louise worried can we? I’ll make it my business to reassure her.” Billy looks relieved grasps my hand and thanks me profusely.
    Time for them to leave I walk them out to the vehicles and see them off on their journey and I continue my stroll.
    I eventually find Louise and Daisy on the beach. Daisy is playing a complicated game with a stick drawing pictures in the sand. Louise is sitting on a rock skimming stones across the water.
    I approach and sit beside her and put my arm around her shoulder she leans against me. Daisy waves to me and carries on scratching in the sand. “Well Louise my dear Sister, a penny for your thoughts.” She smiles turns to me and says. “I haven’t heard that expression since I was a little girl. It was one of Mothers favourite sayings.” I explain. “I’ve just seen Billy and Peter off. Billy is very worried about you Louise you have had a great burden dropped on you, what can I do to help is there any advice I can give you?” “Oh It’s just me worrying take no notice. You have enough on your plate without adding my problems.” I admonish her. “Louise we are family your problem is my problem. Look you don’t have to take on all the responsibility you know.
    Sell the bloody lot and you and Billy enjoy life with the proceeds.
    Travel the world see places you can only have dreamed of. You know I am handing over the running of OSCADA to my friends and colleagues and concentrating on my personal issues.” Louise replies. “In some ways I would welcome the opportunity to do that Adam but there are snags. I didn’t mention this at the meeting yesterday but according to Gunter I can dispose of some of the surrounding property but the chateau and immediate estate are in some kind of trust to be handed down to my children. If Billy and I die childless then Denise and your children would inherit. We know Denise can’t have children so Yvette’s children would be next in line.” “Heaven forbid Louise, Yvette as a Marquise. Ha, ha. I am sorry to laugh at such a serious matter but could you imagine Yvette as top cat lording it over all and sundry. It’s poor Paul I would feel sorry for if it did happen.” Louis smiles despite her situation she informs me. “Gunter and Estelle have agreed to travel back to the village with me. I will make the final decision when we have considered every aspect. They are a nice couple I’m so glad they were here when this was sprung on me I trust them completely. She adds thoughtfully. “We are so lucky to have them as friends, especially at a time like this with this unexpected inheritance.” “Well Louise that

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