Ambushing Ariel

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Book: Read Ambushing Ariel for Free Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
wrestling on the ground. Mandra sat up and rested his forearms on his knees as he drew in several deep, calming breaths. He closed his eyes and focused on slowing his respiration until he felt his pulse slowly return to normal.
    “Are you alright?” Creon asked quietly sitting next to him. “You knew where I was, I could feel it but something happened. What is bothering you, brother?”
    Mandra opened his eyes and stared into Creon’s for an instant before looking to where Kor and Jaguin were climbing out of the stream laughing together. How did he explain the relentless emptiness that was eating at him constantly? How did he explain the darkness in his soul that seemed to be growing? How did he explain the loneliness he felt pressing down on him and his dragon? Only his symbiot seemed optimistic that he would find a true mate.
    “I want a mate,” Mandra said surprising himself and his dragon.
    He glanced at Creon who was now staring straight ahead. His brother’s face held a sad resignation in it. He shouldn’t have said anything. It wouldn’t help wishing for a true mate when there were none available. The decline in the birth of females was at a critical level on the Valdier home world. Their scientists were not sure why there were fewer and fewer female births over the last several centuries but they speculated it was caused by the Great Wars and the knowledge that more males were needed to fight. Somehow, the dragon’s dominant personality combined with that of the Valdier warriors was enough to ensure only male children were born. Even though the wars ended well over a century ago, the births of females continued to be extremely low. It was one of the factors that lead to the end of the wars and a new treaty among the Sarafin and Curizan systems.
    “I have all but given up hope of ever finding a true mate,” Creon said softly in response to his brother’s unexpected statement. “I am glad Zoran has found his true mate. From the brief conversations I’ve had with Kelan and Trelon it appears they have found theirs as well. Perhaps this new world will be what saves our people.”
    Mandra shook his head. “I am not sure of that. You have seen how small and delicate Zoran’s mate is when we talked with him. Though she is very pleasing to the eye, her species is too fragile for our males. I would be surprised if they can even breed with us,” Mandra said gruffly picking up a leaf and crushing it between his fingers as if to demonstrate how fragile a human female was to the touch of a Valdier warrior.
    Creon watched his brother crush the delicate leaf and nodded. “True. She is very beautiful. From her size and gentle manner, I am led to think her species must be more delicate than our own females,” Creon said with a sigh.
    Mandra watched as his younger brother jumped to his feet and held out his hand to help him up. He grabbed it and smiled at the strength of his brother. He was glad Creon was on their side. He was a formidable opponent. His little brother deserved much of the credit for ending the wars. His intelligence, loyalty, and resourcefulness helped bring it to an end and his friendship with Ha’ven and Vox, the leaders of the Curizan and Sarafin, was proof of his ability to forge an alliance among former adversaries.
    “Zoran should be back in a few days. Trelon’s work on the engines has improved the speed at which they can travel. I heard tell from one of the warriors something about one of the female’s getting more power out of the crystals, as well,” Creon said as they moved over to where Kor and Jaguin were laying in the sun.
    “I heard as well. I also heard they have had problems with a couple of the females. Kelan would not say what but that he would be glad when he could finally get them off his ship. I suspect they are probably crying and whining in fear. You know how he is around crying females. They make him run in the opposite direction. I can imagine all of them are very

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