Amanda's Amorous Aliens (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Read Amanda's Amorous Aliens (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) for Free Online

Book: Read Amanda's Amorous Aliens (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) for Free Online
Authors: Rachel Clark
Tags: Romance
synthesized a toothbrush and toothpaste for you.” The items dropped into the same basket as her lingerie had landed, and she moved to gather them quickly. She opened the door the computer had indicated and found a sink, tub, and something that looked a lot like a shower but somehow wasn’t, and a seat that she already knew was the Kobarian equivalent of a toilet. Everything, of course, was extra large.
    But it was the floor-to-ceiling mirror that caught her eye. The deep purple color of her lingerie suited her skin perfectly and the fit was flawless. She ruffled her hair, loosening the curls, so that they fell messily to frame her face. Heavens, not only did the lingerie make her look sexy, but it made her feel sexy, also.
    Unfortunately, she was so involved in her own introspection she didn’t hear Karriak-Sektannen come back into the bedroom until it was too late.
    * * * *
    Karriak-Sektannen took his time locking down the ship, hopefully giving Amanda plenty of time to get changed and crawl under the covers. As soon as To’h had agreed to make some sleepwear for Amanda, he knew he was in trouble. There was no way that meddling piece of computer code wasn’t going to put him in an awkward situation. He just had to hope that it didn’t give him the Kobarian equivalent of a heart attack. With his telkobar approaching rapidly he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hide any physical reaction from Amanda. He was already imagining what it might be like to lick the woman all over. Seeing her half-naked might just kill him.
    “To’h, is Amanda in bed yet?”
    “How would I know?” the computer asked sarcastically. “You don’t have any cameras in that room.”
    “True,” he said, relieved a little by the reminder. If he was going to embarrass himself in front of the beautiful human at least To’h wouldn’t be able to record it. Karriak-Sektannen had no doubt it would be the first file the computer “accidentally” showed his older brothers when they got home.
    He stepped toward the nearest input console, disengaged the audio interface for the bedroom, and moved toward the door.
    “Good night, To’h,” he said, feeling maybe just a little bit smug. At least whatever happened inside his bedroom the computer would not be privy to.
    “Good night, sir. Sleep well.”
    But as soon as the bedroom door closed behind him he noticed the difference. He barely had time enough to swear before his skull hit the bulkhead. “Damn it, To’h. Turn the oxygen down.”
    Realizing he’d turned the audio off, he turned back to the door, only to find it locked. He hammered on the frame, knowing instinctively that the computer would claim to have not heard him.
    Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
    “Are you okay?”
    And holy fuck! The woman was gorgeous. He’d entered this room knowing that To’h had likely set him up for embarrassment, but he hadn’t even imagined how beautifully sexy the human might be under the layers of androgynous clothing she’d worn all day. The bright purple color suited her perfectly, the fit totally amazing, the sexy design that somehow hid most of her from view but gave the impression of her being nearly naked sending his blood pressure soaring.
    He felt the material of his pants stretch as his cock filled and the rest of his body continued to grow. He dropped to his knees, unwilling to slam his head against the ceiling again.
    “Karriak-Sektannen, what is it? What’s wrong?” She glanced around the room, obviously seeking some sort of assistance. “To’h, help him!”
    “He can’t hear us…in here,” Karriak-Sektannen said between pants. Holy fuck, his brothers hadn’t explained this part very well. Waves of agony flowed over him as his insides moved and changed and his entire body grew larger. “I’m…okay.” He grimaced as his clothes made a wrenching, tearing sound. “Sort of.”
    Amanda moved toward him, the concern in her eyes quite gratifying, even as he worried for her reaction.

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