Alien Attachments

Read Alien Attachments for Free Online

Book: Read Alien Attachments for Free Online
Authors: Sabine Priestley
Tags: Romance, Alien, futuristic, space, 978-1-61650-566-0
person, or alien, on the other end talked.
    “Okay. Thanks.” Jared hung up. “Help will be at the villa in a few minutes.”
    “Good thing they’re close by. How many live on the Cat?”
    “Only Ian. That was Marco. His base is in New Zealand. He just needs to get dressed before heading over.”
    “New Zealand?”
    Jared nodded, watching her.
    She held his gaze, nodded back, and decided to say nothing. Clearly, she had a lot to learn. The craft slowed and the ground leveled off. Ahead, stood a circular door that was shaped like a bank vault. In the center was a smaller, human-sized entrance.
    “Does this lead to Ian’s backyard or something?” Dani asked.
    “Nope, right into the central hallway. Kind of a foyer without a front door.”
    “He built his villa into the hillside?”
    “They’re kinda big on tunnels. Makes sense for them. It’s a good way to get around the planet and they use them for mining the carnium stuff I told you about.”
    The cruiser glided to a stop not more than five feet from the door.
    Jared got up and nearly dropped the phone when it emitted an obnoxious sound. He pressed a button, silencing the noise. His face said it all. “We’re gonna have company kid, those Torogs are almost as fast as the cruiser here. Let’s go.” He leapt down and ran to the center door.
    Dani followed him out, trying to stay calm. Jared searched for the elusive spot to open the door. As usual, there was no X.
    Odd, increasingly loud, sucking noises came from the tunnel behind them. Goosebumps spread across her body. She turned to keep an eye on the tunnel.
    “Jared, they’re coming. Please hurry.” She shot him a glance. He frantically slapped around the edges. Nothing happened so he cursed and tried the other side.
    “Ah shit, Jared. Where’s the frickin’ X? The one that marks the spot, remember?” Her voice came out like a squeak.
    “That would compromise security, kid.”
    “How? You said it wouldn’t work for me.”
    “Yeah, well it’s just because—because—” Jared kept slapping the wall by the door. “I don’t know why. Ask Ian.” Sweat dripped down his forehead.
    “Oh, I’ll ask him all right.” The sucking sound got louder and Dani’s fear mounted. Get a grip. Mad is better than panicked. It’s just another match…against aliens…no problem. Dani shook out her arms and bounced on her toes. She pictured herself back at the gym, getting ready for a fight. Time to get mad. She kicked off her flip-flops and continued her warm-up.
    Pluck, pluck, pluck. The Torogs were moving fast when they crested the rise, but slowed when they caught sight of Dani and Jared. They emitted clicking and squeaking sounds as they made their way forward. Their squidgy feet worked like suction cups, allowing them to climb the hill and accounted for the odd sounds.
    “They’re here,” Dani said.
    Jared stepped in front of her, arms out.
    Like that’s going to happen. She stepped around him.
    “Very gallant of you Jared but I’m not letting you face these zomboids alone. I know how to fight, remember? And thanks to some alien magic, I’m feeling pretty good right now.” Dani whipped her wrist around a few times, made a fist, and jumped into a fighting stance. “Ha!”
    Jared grimaced. “Fine, but don’t let them get a hold of you.” He appeared calm except for the sweat trickling down his temple. The tunnel was comfortably cool. She rolled up her sleeves and tucked the top of her cover-up into the back of her bikini bottoms. Never thought I’d be dressed like this in a fight. She stole another peek at Jared. “And here I thought you were this sweet old bar dog, living a peaceful life of island bliss.”
    “Who you calling old?”
    Dani laughed. She had a major adrenaline rush going. There was a time in Brazil when some jerk tried to steal her camera gear. She’d taken him out in less than a minute, but the high lasted for weeks.
    You can face fear, or feel it, her dad used to say.She

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